- 2. The aim Цель the comparison of descriptions of video call that were written by authors of
- 3. Analyzed articles: Bassett C. “Better made up: The mutual influence of science fiction and innovation” Кэролайн
- 4. “The Day of an American Journalist in 2889” Jules Verne Один день американского журналиста в 2889
- 5. From the 'London Times' of 1904 Mark Twain Из «Лондон Таймз» 1904 года Марк Твен Telelectroscope:
- 6. Ralph 124C 41+ Hugo Gernsback Ральф 124С 41+ Хьюго Гернсбек Telephot: • the exact prediction of
- 7. Alive photos Kir Bulychev – electronic newspapers with videos J. K. Rowling – photos living their
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