Слайд 2Составьте предложения по образцу
Example: I like to read – I like reading

I like to skate.
2 I hate to read detective stories.
3 They stopped to dance.
4 I finished to play.
I like skating.
I hate reading detective stories.
They stopped dancing.
I finished playing.
Слайд 3После глаголов love, like, hate, enjoy в английском языке используют инфинитив

love to go to the sea
и другую форму глагола с окончанием -ing.
I love going to the sea. He hates washing up. We like playing the piano. They enjoy going to the shop.
Это же относится к глаголам, обозначающим начало и конец действия: begin, finish, stop.
John began reading books at 5.
We stopped playing football in the evening.
They finished washing the plates late.
Слайд 4 I enjoy reading poems. Betty began learning French. We hate swimming

in cold water. They began playing football. They stopped watching TV. They hate doing their flat. We love reading history books. We enjoy spending holidays abroad. We like getting presents.