The small vocabulary

Слайд 2

Help – Pomogite
Where is the metro station? – Gde stantsiya metro?
Where is

Help – Pomogite Where is the metro station? – Gde stantsiya metro?
the shop? – Gde magazin?
Where is the toilet? – Gde tualet?
How much does it cost? – Skol’ko eto stoit?
Could you give me a discount? – Mogli bi vi dat’ mne skidku?
What time is it now? – Kotori sechas chas?
How can I go to..? – Kak mne proiti k..?
Where is the cash machine? – Gde bankomat?
Where can I buy a ticket? – Gde ya mogu kupit’ bilet?
Where is the bus stop? – Gde ostanovka avtobusa?
Where is the aero express? – Gde aero express?
Let me call on the phone, please – Daite mne pozvonit’ po telefonu pozgaluista
Left/right – Nalevo/napravo
I get lost, my address is... – Ya poteryalsya, moi adres...
This is my bag – Eto moya sumka
I love Russia – Ya lublu Rossiyu!!! ☺
Имя файла: The-small-vocabulary.pptx
Количество просмотров: 56
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