Traditions and holidays in Great Britain

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There are many English tradition and customs. English people are proud of

TRADITIONS There are many English tradition and customs. English people are proud
The ravens are one of the most famous sights at the Tower of London. they have lived in the Tower from its very beginning, over 900 years ago and as one of the old English legends says, only so long as they are here will the Tower stand. If the ravens live the Tower of London, the Crown and England will fall. People take very good care of them. The black ravens are under Royal protection.

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‘’Guy Fawkes’s Day’’ – is an old English custom. As

CUSTOMS ‘’Guy Fawkes’s Day’’ – is an old English custom. As it
it gets dark on the 5th of November ( and before ) children go out into the streets with a figure like a scarecrow. They stand in the streets and squares asking for a ‘’ Penny for the Guy ‘’.
Then with the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the guy ( the figure like a scarecrow ) on their born fire.

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Christmas is very popular in Britain. The Christmas tree is from Norway.

CHRISTMAS Christmas is very popular in Britain. The Christmas tree is from
It stands in the middle of Trafalgar Square. Christmas tree is very beautiful. People in this night eat turkey and Christmas pudding. This holiday is celebrated with family. At 0:00 the Queen says an appeal to the people of Britain. People say that they will be good in the next year.
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