Work-Related Grammar

Слайд 2

Let`s check the home task




Retell what you`ve learned

Pair & group of

Let`s check the home task excercises Keys audio Retell what you`ve learned
3 practice

Слайд 3

Making a good impression

Making a good impression

Слайд 5

Где отчет о проделанной работе?

Hello everyone. I`m a new Lead QA, my

Где отчет о проделанной работе? Hello everyone. I`m a new Lead QA,
name is Anna and I am truly happy to join your team. As to my current situation – everything is going pretty much according to the plan.
Today I`ve already completed User Story 123 and 234 and I`m still working on 345 as I`ve hit a problem. These days Olivia is covering for Lena, who is being on vacation. Yesterday we had quite a productive QA team call on it.
Still we`re on track.
In the afternoon I’m validating changes in US 456 as the priority was changed to “high”. And we are planning to close all “high priority” tasks as completed.
In addition, I think I will collect the reporting and give a call to Jamie, who will compile it.
That`s it from my side, thank you.

Где прошедшее время?

Слайд 6

Что я сделал?

Если в предложении есть идентификатор прошедшего времени:
Yesterday, 2 hours ago,

Что я сделал? Если в предложении есть идентификатор прошедшего времени: Yesterday, 2
a week ago, in a childhood, when I was 3 years old
Используем только Past Simple

Слайд 7

Today I`ve already completed User Story 123 and 234 and I`m still

Today I`ve already completed User Story 123 and 234 and I`m still
working on 345 as I`ve hit a problem.
Yesterday we had quite a productive QA team call on it.

So far

Слайд 8

All day
For 2 years
For how long?
Whole yea/month/day

Since All day For 2 years For how long? Whole yea/month/day

Слайд 9

Трансформируйте в Pres. Perf. Cont


Трансформируйте в Pres. Perf. Cont Зачем?

Слайд 10





Time spent

past present future Result Time spent

Слайд 11


Что я понял
Что буду предпринимать
С кем поделюсь

3-П 1. Что я понял 2. Что буду предпринимать 3. С кем поделюсь
Имя файла: Work-Related-Grammar.pptx
Количество просмотров: 56
Количество скачиваний: 0