WOrld Fonemic ALphabet


Слайд 2

International alphabets

phonetic (e.g. IPA) – to write allophones
phonemic (e.g. Wofal) – to

International alphabets phonetic (e.g. IPA) – to write allophones phonemic (e.g. Wofal) – to write phonemes
write phonemes

Слайд 3

Digital quantum - Baiteme

Sound quantum - Phoneme

Quantum of language

Graphic guantum - Grapheme

Digital quantum - Baiteme Sound quantum - Phoneme Quantum of language Graphic guantum - Grapheme

Слайд 4

Germ Sikar Tone Nuance

(sigils) (toners)



Germ Sikar Tone Nuance (sigils) (toners) pallet Baiteme

Слайд 5

d Ԅ


Ge(ﺽ)= d
Si(ﺽ) = Ԅ
To(ﺽ) = is absent

ﺽ d Ԅ Ba(ﺽ)=dԄ161 Ge(ﺽ)= d Si(ﺽ) = Ԅ To(ﺽ) = is absent Nu(ﺽ)= is absent
is absent

Слайд 6

d/dԄ – د/ ض
t/tԄ – ت/ ط
z/zԄ – ز/ ظ
s/sԄ – س/

d/dԄ – د/ ض t/tԄ – ت/ ط z/zԄ – ز/ ظ
k/kԄ – ك (ک)/ ق, к/қ (kazakh)
h/hԄ – خ/ ح
ħ/ħԄ – غ/ع [ʁ/ʕ]
♉g/♉gԄ – [ng/nG] (serer)

Sigil “Ԅ” has name “emfator”

Слайд 7


t 161

Ba(ت)= t161
Ge(ت)= t
Nu(ت)= 161

Si(ت) = is absent
To(ت) = is

ت t 161 Ba(ت)= t161 Ge(ت)= t Nu(ت)= 161 Si(ت) = is

t 162

Ba(ﺓ)= t161
Ge(ﺓ)= t
Nu(ﺓ)= 161

Si(ﺓ) = is absent
To(ﺓ) = is absent

in Arabic

Слайд 8



ﺙ ﺱ ﺹ


ﺽ ﻅ


Nu(ﺙ) = 161
Nu(ﺱ) = 162
Nu(ﺹ)= 163


ت ﻁ t: ﺙ ﺱ ﺹ s: ﺫ ﺯ ﺽ ﻅ z:
= 161
Nu(ﺯ) = 162
Nu(ﺽ)= 163
Nu(ﻅ) = 164

Nu(ت)= 161
Nu(ﻁ) = 162

in Indo-Europeans

Слайд 9

ni ᓴᒍ 161


Ge(你)= ni
Si(你) = is absent
To(你) = ᓴᒍ
Nu(你)= 161

你 ni ᓴᒍ 161 Ba(你)=niᓴᒍ161 Ge(你)= ni Si(你) = is absent To(你) = ᓴᒍ Nu(你)= 161

Слайд 11

d/dԄ – د/ ض
t/tԄ – ت/ ط
z/zԄ – ز/ ظ
s/sԄ – س/

d/dԄ – د/ ض t/tԄ – ت/ ط z/zԄ – ز/ ظ
k/kԄ – ك (ک)/ ق, к/қ (kazakh)
h/hԄ – خ/ ح
ħ/ħԄ – غ/ع [ʁ/ʕ]
♉g/♉gԄ – [ng/nG] (serer)

Ԅ – emfator

Слайд 12

d/dർ – د/ ډ
t/tർ – ت/ ټ
r/rർ – ر/ړ
n/nർ – ن/

pushto d/dർ – د/ ډ t/tർ – ت/ ټ r/rർ – ر/ړ
z̧/z̧ർ – ژ/ږ, ş/şർ – ﺵ/ښ

d/dർ – د/ ض
t/tർ – ت/ ٹ
r/rർ – ر/ڑ‎

ർ – retr

Слайд 13

şһ – /ɧ/, i.e. swedish ch, sj, sk, skj, stj
igbo phonemes can

şһ – /ɧ/, i.e. swedish ch, sj, sk, skj, stj igbo phonemes
be designated
bһ, pһ, dһ, tһ, gһ, kһ, d≀һ, t≀һ, gһw, kһw

һ – aspir

Слайд 14

ʟ≀ – љ
n≀ – ń, њ, ñ, gn, ny, nh
z̧≀ – ź,

ʟ≀ – љ n≀ – ń, њ, ñ, gn, ny, nh z̧≀
ş≀ – щ, ś, ć
tş≀ – ч, ć, ћ, ќ
dz̧≀ – đ, ǵ, ђ, ѓ
d≀, t≀, z≀, s≀, ʟ≀, n≀ – j, ch, zy, sy, ny
/ɟ, c, ʝ, ç, ʎ, ɲ/ igbo

≀ – palator

Слайд 15

n♉ – /ŋ/: ng eng, finn, indonesian
ng’ swahili
n≀♉ – /gnj/: જ્ઞ

n♉ – /ŋ/: ng eng, finn, indonesian ng’ swahili n≀♉ – /gnj/:
ज्ञ newar
♉b, ♉d, ♉g, ♉ⱶ, ♉v, ♉z –
/mb, nd, ng, nj, mv, nz/
а♉, е♉ – ą , ę polish

♉ – nozer

Слайд 16

iಌ, eಌ, ɛಌ – germanic, turkic, finno-ugric
“ü” [y, ʏ], “ö” [ø, œ]

iಌ, eಌ, ɛಌ – germanic, turkic, finno-ugric “ü” [y, ʏ], “ö” [ø,
ıಌ – igbo “ụ”, dari “و” [ʊ]

ಌ – labiator

Слайд 17


ଏ – gloter

ejectiveness ଏ – gloter

Слайд 18

pꏪ, tꏪ – /ƥ, ƭ/ serer
bꏪ, dꏪ – /ɓ, ɗ/ serer, hausa,

pꏪ, tꏪ – /ƥ, ƭ/ serer bꏪ, dꏪ – /ɓ, ɗ/ serer,
fꏪ, gꏪ – /ʄ, ɠ/ sindhi

ꏪ – inhal

Слайд 19

ʟꒊ – /l̥/
e.g. “ʟꒊasa”

ꒊ – sailenser

ʟꒊ – /l̥/ e.g. “ʟꒊasa” ꒊ – sailenser

Слайд 20

ʟꒊ⫝ – /ɬ/, ʟ⫝ – /ɮ/

⫝ – saider

if there is no paired

ʟꒊ⫝ – /ɬ/, ʟ⫝ – /ɮ/ ⫝ – saider if there is
vocalized consonant, it is possible to omit sailenser ꒊ before saider ⫝, e.g. to write Zulu diphtong /tɬ/ as “tʟ⫝” instead of “tʟ ꒊ ⫝”

Слайд 21

oᗢ, sᗢ, ʟᗢ, şᗢ, nᗢ
/ʘ, ǀ, ǃ, ǂ, ǁ/

ᗢ – klikser

oᗢ, sᗢ, ʟᗢ, şᗢ, nᗢ /ʘ, ǀ, ǃ, ǂ, ǁ/ ᗢ – klikser

Слайд 22

dz̧һakˍaˍs झक्कास

ˍ dural

dz̧һakˍaˍs झक्कास ˍ dural

Слайд 23

zaˉmok, zamoˉk

ˉ stress

zaˉmok, zamoˉk ˉ stress

Слайд 24

⋋ after alifVasla (ٱ)
⋌ before consonants, e.g. liaison
⋌ and ⋋ frame sandhi


⋋ after alifVasla (ٱ) ⋌ before consonants, e.g. liaison ⋌ and ⋋
⋌ – spliters

Слайд 25






ﺽ dԄ161 dissipation emb imago condensation

Слайд 27

or 54, 43 (if 53 is absent in language),
or any fallowing tone,

ᓭ or 54, 43 (if 53 is absent in language), or any
ending not below 3

Tone 53

Слайд 28

or 32, 21 (if 13 is absent in language),
or any fallowing tone,

ᓴ or 32, 21 (if 13 is absent in language), or any
beginning not above 3

Tone 31

Слайд 29

or 34, 45 (if 35 is absent in language),
or any rising tone,

ᓯ or 34, 45 (if 35 is absent in language), or any
beginning not below 3

Tone 35

Слайд 30

or 23, 12 (if 13 is absent in language),
or any rising tone,

ᓱ or 23, 12 (if 13 is absent in language), or any
ending not above 3

Tone 13

Слайд 31

33 – ᖵ

55 – ᒣ
11 – ᒧ

51 – ᒉ
15 – ᒍ

33 – ᖵ 55 – ᒣ 11 – ᒧ 51 – ᒉ 15 – ᒍ

Слайд 32


24 is designated as 15, or 13, or 35, i.e.
by any

24 24 is designated as 15, or 13, or 35, i.e. by any not used toner
not used toner

Слайд 33


42 is designated as 51, or 31, or 53, i.e.
by any

42 42 is designated as 51, or 31, or 53, i.e. by any not used toner
not used toner

Слайд 34

Bejing 55, 35, 51, 214 ᒣ, ᓯ, ᒉ, ᓴᒍ
Shanghainese 55, 53, 34, 13, 22, 11

Bejing 55, 35, 51, 214 ᒣ, ᓯ, ᒉ, ᓴᒍ Shanghainese 55, 53,
ᒣ, ᓭ, ᓯ, ᓱ, ᖵ, ᒧ
Fuzhou 55, 53, 33, 213, 23, 353 ᒣ, ᓭ, ᖵ, ᓴᓱ, ᓱ, ᓯᓭ
Cantonese 55, 53, 33, 31, 35, 11 ᒣ, ᓭ, ᖵ, ᓴ, ᓯ, ᒧ
Bai 55, 44, 42, 21 ᒣ, ᖵ, ᒉ, ᓴ


Слайд 35

Laotian 33, 35, 53, 22, ‘11, ’21 ᖵ, ᓯ, ᓭ, ᒧ, ‘ᒧ, ‘ᓴ
Thailandic 21,

Laotian 33, 35, 53, 22, ‘11, ’21 ᖵ, ᓯ, ᓭ, ᒧ, ‘ᒧ,
33, 34, 451, 215 ᓴ, ᖵ, ᓯ, ᓯᒉ, ᓴᒍ
Li 55, 51, 11, 13, 33, 35 ᒣ, ᒉ, ᒧ, ᓱ, ᖵ, ᓯ
Zhuang 33, 31, 13, 55, 51, 24 ᖵ, ᓴ, ᓱ, ᒣ, ᒉ, ᒍ


Слайд 36

màm – mamᓴ
mạm – m’amᓴ
mảm – mamᓴᓱ
mám – mamᓯ
mãm – m’amᓯ


’ is

màm – mamᓴ mạm – m’amᓴ mảm – mamᓴᓱ mám – mamᓯ
glottal stop

Слайд 37


WOfal LAYout

colored logotype

black-white logotype

Wolei WOfal LAYout colored logotype black-white logotype

Слайд 38


Left alt – color for text,
Right alt – color for background

Keyboard Left alt – color for text, Right alt – color for background

Слайд 39

Combinations of Nine colors

colored text on white

same colors: first bleeset
for text, second

Combinations of Nine colors colored text on white same colors: first bleeset
bleeset –
for background

black text on colored

only for OS

Слайд 40

Bam (BAiteme-Morpheme encoding)

black-white logotype

Bam (BAiteme-Morpheme encoding) black-white logotype

Слайд 42

Lookup tables

Lookup tables

Слайд 44

Farsi/Dari, Tadjik

Farsi/Dari, Tadjik

Слайд 45

Kurdish (in arabic, latin, cyrillic scripts)

Kurdish (in arabic, latin, cyrillic scripts)

Слайд 46

Balochi (in Pakistan, in Afghanistan)

Balochi (in Pakistan, in Afghanistan)

Слайд 49

Wofal is necessary for

learning languages with non-ergonomic scripts, e.g. in software Rosetta

Wofal is necessary for learning languages with non-ergonomic scripts, e.g. in software
Stone, LinguaMatch, Lexiconer, KidSpeak, 101 Languages Of The World; GoldenDict
as common denominator for comparative researches (Urdu/Hindi, Kurmandji/Sorani/Gorani, etc), e.g. in project “DigFor”

Слайд 50

Wofal allows

to demonstrate text both by latin script, and by original graphemes

Wofal allows to demonstrate text both by latin script, and by original
of language – what makes encoding “Bam” the alternative to Unicode
to reform orthography,
not touching government standard

Слайд 51

free help of software engineers to write:
GPL program to re-encode Unicode-Bam, plugins

free help of software engineers to write: GPL program to re-encode Unicode-Bam,
for text editors (SciTE, notepad++, etc), ttf-file with codes of letters, equal to baiteme of Wofal
free help of linguists to state
lookup tables for languages

Speaker seeks

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