Would You Rather…?


Слайд 2

Would You Rather…?

Be Father Christmas?

Be an elf?

Explain your reasons.

Would You Rather…? Be Father Christmas? Be an elf? Explain your reasons.

Слайд 3

Would You Rather…?

Give someone a present?

Be given a present?

Explain your reasons.

Would You Rather…? Give someone a present? Be given a present? Explain your reasons.

Слайд 4

Would You Rather…?

Eat mince pies?

Help make some mince pies?

Explain your reasons.

Would You Rather…? Eat mince pies? Help make some mince pies? Explain your reasons.

Слайд 5

Would You Rather…?

Open all your presents in the morning on Christmas Day?


Would You Rather…? Open all your presents in the morning on Christmas
most of your presents in the afternoon?

Explain your reasons.

Слайд 6

Would You Rather…?

Be a toy teddy bear?

Be a toy vehicle?

Explain your reasons.

Would You Rather…? Be a toy teddy bear? Be a toy vehicle? Explain your reasons.

Слайд 7

Would You Rather…?

Have more than one Christmas every year?

Have more than one

Would You Rather…? Have more than one Christmas every year? Have more
birthday every year?

Explain your reasons.

Слайд 8

Would You Rather…?

Make presents for your family?

Make Christmas decorations for the tree?


Would You Rather…? Make presents for your family? Make Christmas decorations for
your reasons.

Слайд 9

Would You Rather…?

Have to sing Jingle Bells for a whole day at

Would You Rather…? Have to sing Jingle Bells for a whole day

Have to wear a Santa suit all day at school?

Explain your reasons.

Слайд 10

Would You Rather…?

Have Rudolph the reindeer as your friend?

Have Frosty the Snowman

Would You Rather…? Have Rudolph the reindeer as your friend? Have Frosty
as your friend?

Explain your reasons.

Слайд 11

Would You Rather…?

Have tinsel hair?

Have hair that lights up like fairy lights?


Would You Rather…? Have tinsel hair? Have hair that lights up like
your reasons.

Слайд 12

Would You Rather…?

Be given sock for Christmas?

Be given a dictionary for Christmas?


Would You Rather…? Be given sock for Christmas? Be given a dictionary
your reasons.

Слайд 13

Would You Rather…?

Live in a gingerbread house?

Live in a fairy tale palace?


Would You Rather…? Live in a gingerbread house? Live in a fairy
your reasons.

Слайд 14

Would You Rather…?

Stay at home on Christmas Day and have presents?

Go to

Would You Rather…? Stay at home on Christmas Day and have presents?
Disneyland for Christmas but not have presents?

Explain your reasons.

Слайд 15

Would You Rather…?

During the Christmas holidays, spend a day watching Christmas films?


Would You Rather…? During the Christmas holidays, spend a day watching Christmas
a day Christmas shopping?

Explain your reasons.

Слайд 16

Would You Rather…?

Have a laugh like Santa’s?

Have a nose like Rudolph’s?

Explain your

Would You Rather…? Have a laugh like Santa’s? Have a nose like Rudolph’s? Explain your reasons.
Имя файла: Would-You-Rather…?.pptx
Количество просмотров: 46
Количество скачиваний: 0