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- Английский язык
- Задания по английскому языку
- 2. Прочитайте описание картинки. Восстановите и запишите план описания в своей тетради. Какие полезные конструкции были использованы?
- 3. Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не
- 4. I’d like to describe picture № 2. The picture shows us a classroom and a teacher.
- 6. Photo 1 PHOTO 2 PHOTO 3
- 7. 1. Soapy Plates 2. Enjoyable Ads 3. Where is the Fog? 4. Main Tourist Attraction 5.
- 8. Weird English? Weird names!
- 9. A Cap Seller and the Monkeys There was a cap seller in a city. He used
- 10. tough, though, thorough, through и thought???? /ʌf/ – (аф) – как в словах enough (достаточно), rough
- 11. Have fun and learn English) https://virtualwritingtutor.com/practice/though_through_thorough_tough_thought_taught.htm
- 13. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Прочитайте описание картинки. Восстановите и запишите план описания в своей тетради. Какие
Прочитайте описание картинки. Восстановите и запишите план описания в своей тетради. Какие

I’d like to describe picture number one. The picture was taken inside, in the house. It shows a little girl. She is looking out the window. It looks warm and sunny outside. I think, the girl is about six years old. She is so pretty with her long dark hair. Also, she is wearing a white hoody. In my opinion, the child is waiting for her friends to go out and enjoy the day together. I like the picture because of its peaceful atmosphere.
Слайд 3Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты
Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты

Слайд 4I’d like to describe picture № 2. The picture shows us a
I’d like to describe picture № 2. The picture shows us a

Слайд 5PHOTO 2

Слайд 6Photo 1
Photo 1

Слайд 71. Soapy Plates
2. Enjoyable Ads
3. Where is the Fog?
4. Main Tourist Attraction
1. Soapy Plates 2. Enjoyable Ads 3. Where is the Fog? 4. Main Tourist Attraction 5.

A. An Italian boy, who is in Britain for the first time, talked about the weather, “I can’t understand it. I’ve been here for over a week and I still haven’t seen any fog!”
B. A Japanese student from Tokyo said, “I’ve been in Britain since April and have been living with a British family. I’ve noticed one big difference between British and Japanese families. British men do jobs like cooking, washing up and ironing. They’re jobs which I’ve never seen Japanese men do. They think it’s women’s work. But I don’t agree with it!”
C. A German student at a language school in Oxford said, “I thought Britain was a modern European country — you’ve been in the EEC for years now. So why do you still use miles, Or pints and pounds instead of kilometres, litres and kilos? And why do you still drive on the wrong side of the road?”
D. A Danish girl who works as an au pair in Liverpool said, “I came to Britain a month ago. I’ve noticed one very strange thing here. After British people have washed the dishes, they never rinse them. They just take them out of the dirty, soapy water and leave them to dry!”
E. A Swedish girl said, “I’ve watched a lot of television since I arrived two weeks ago. British television’s brilliant! But the “programmes” which I’ve enjoyed most are the advertisements. They’re very funny or very clever, or both. Back home in Sweden we don’t have any TV advertisements at all!”
Слайд 8Weird English? Weird names!
Weird English? Weird names!

Слайд 9A Cap Seller and the Monkeys
There was a cap seller in a
A Cap Seller and the Monkeys
There was a cap seller in a

The cap seller woke up after some time. He found that his caps were missing. He looked up and saw the monkeys wearing his caps. He tried his best to get his caps D____ but he couldn’t. Suddenly an idea occurred to him. He took off his own cap and threw it on the ground. The monkeys did the same, since they are imitators. The cap seller collected all his caps and went E____ happily.
1. again;
2. asleep;
3. around;
4. away;
5. back;
6. thorough;
7. through.
Задание 6. (3,4) Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.
Слайд 10tough, though, thorough, through и thought????
/ʌf/ – (аф) – как в словах
tough, though, thorough, through и thought????
/ʌf/ – (аф) – как в словах

/ɔf/ – (оф) – cough (кашель)
/au/ – (ау) – bough (сук), drought (засуха)
/ou/ – (оу) – dough (тесто), though (хотя)
/o:/ – (о) – bought (покупал), brought (приносил)
/u:/ – (у) – through (через)
Слайд 11Have fun and learn English)
Have fun and learn English)