Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Over the river and through the wood
Over the river and through the wood
Over the River and Through the Wood (a thanksgiving poem) Over the river, and through the wood, To ___________________house we go; the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the ______and drifted snow. Over the river, and through the ______, to Grandfather's house away! We would not _______for doll or top, for 'tis Thanksgiving Day. Over the river, and ______the wood— oh, how the ______ does blow! It stings the ______ and bites the nose as over the ground we go. Over the river, and through the wood— and straight through the barnyard ______, We seem to go ______ slow, it is so hard to wait! Over the river, and through the wood— When Grandmother sees us ______, She will say, "O, dear, the children are here, bring a ______ for everyone." Over the river, and through the wood— now Grandmother's cap I spy! Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done? Hurrah for the ______ pie! Over the River and Through the Wood (a thanksgiving poem) Over the river, and through the wood, To Grandfather's house we go; the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow. Over the river, and through the wood, to Grandfather's house away! We would not stop for doll or top, for 'tis Thanksgiving Day. Over the river, and through the wood— oh, how the wind does blow! It stings the toes and bites the nose as over the ground we go. Over the river, and through the wood— and straight through the barnyard gate, We seem to go extremely slow, it is so hard to wait! Over the river, and through the wood— When Grandmother sees us come, She will say, "O, dear, the children are here, bring a pie for everyone." Over the river, and through the wood— now Grandmother's cap I spy! Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done? Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!
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КазНПУ им. Абая. Speaking Club
КазНПУ им. Абая. Speaking Club
Speaking club – это пространство, где каждый студент КазНПУ им. Абая сможет преодолеть языковой барьер, повысить уровень своего разговорного английского, а также познакомиться с другими студентами, интересно и с пользой провести своё свободное время. It is the space where every student of our University will be able to overcome the language barrier, improve it’s level of spoken English, and also get to know other students, spend it’s free time very interesting and useful. Speaking club- бұл клубта ҚазҰПУ әр-бір студенті ағылшын тіліндегі кедергілерін жеңіп, ағылшын тілінің дәрежесін жоғарлату, сонымен қатар университетіміздің басқа да студенттерімен танысып, бос уақытымызды пайдалы және қызықты өткізу. THE MAIN AIMS НЕГІЗГІ МІНДЕТТЕР ОСНОВНЫЕ ЦЕЛИ 1)HELP STUDENTS TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS –ПОМОЧЬ СТУДЕНТАМ УЛУЧШИТЬ НАВЫКИ ОБЩЕНИЯ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ СТУДЕНТТЕРДІҢ АҒЫЛШЫНША СӨЙЛЕУ ҚАБІЛЕТІН ЖАҚСАРТУ 2) DIVERSIFY STUDENT LIFE РАЗНООБРАЗИТЬ СТУДЕНЧЕСКУЮ ЖИЗНЬ, СТУДЕНТТІК ӨМІРДІ ЕРЕКШЕЛЕНДІРУ
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