Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Gerunds Infinitives
Gerunds Infinitives
9. They’ve postponed … (to hold) an international conference. They’ve postponed holding an international conference. 10. She denied … (to take) a blank tile from the bag. She denied taking a blank tile from the bag. 11. It’s a pleasure … (to talk) to you every time I meet. It’s a pleasure to talk to you every time I meet. 12. Right now I regret … (to tell) you the truth. Right now I regret telling you the truth. 13. ‘Dear friends! I regret … (to tell) you some unpleasant news’. ‘Dear friends! I regret to tell you some unpleasant news’. 14. I can’t imagine you … (to be) a leading engineer. You are too young. I can’t imagine you being a leading engineer. You are too young. 15. I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat? I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat? 16. Keep on … (to read). I love … (to listen) to you. Keep on reading. I love listening to you. 17. I promise … (not, to interrupt) them during the speech. I promise not to interrupt them during the speech. 18. We decided … (to stay) at the hotel a bit longer. We decided to stay at the hotel a bit longer. 19. I agreed … (to book) a hotel room online. I agreed to book a hotel room online. 20. I have just decided … (not, to call) them any more. I have just decided not to call them any more. 21. Tom usually tends … (to forget) things. Tom usually tends to forget things. 22. This is a very hard text for her … (to translate) without a dictionary. This is a very hard text for her to translate without a dictionary. 23. Have you ever considered … (to scuba dive)? Have you ever considered scuba diving? 24. They sometimes avoid … (to meet) us. They sometimes avoid meeting us. 25. I don’t mind … (to write) a report for you. I don’t mind writing a report for you. 26. Go on … (to work) here if you want. Go on working here if you want.
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Intermediate Grammar Review
Intermediate Grammar Review
Rules of Jeopardy! To start the game, click on the first Jeopardy! Slide and start the presentation by clicking on the menu Slide Show > From Current Slide. Now the intro with music starts playing and you only must click one more time to run the begin animation. When the second money board appears, the first player can choose the category and money- value by clicking on the field. (With the increasing amount of money, the difficulty of the questions also increases!) As soon the question appears, the players have 30 seconds to think about it. (until music ends) When one person raises his arm (or shouts) he/ she can answer. Answers must be phrased as questions, unless it’s said differently. Right answer? Then the player gets the amount of money, the question is worth. Take a sheet and write down the value to the persons' name. If he guessed it wrong, the other players could try their luck. If time runs out, or no one got it, no one will get any points. The person with the highest amount of money, wins. Advanced version: guessing it wrong will subtract the amount of money from the players account; negative values are also accurate. To change the text, click on the text field on the specific slide, then rewrite questions and answers. Pictures can also be changed by selecting them and choosing “From a File” in the picture options “Picture Format”. Some pictures are hidden behind other elements. In order to change them, move objects around and bring them to the front or back by right-clicking them and choosing the option.
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