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- Writing a resume. Test
Слайд 21. What is this?
(Какое это слово?)
Something that makes one person or
1. What is this?
(Какое это слово?)
Something that makes one person or

thing more likely to succeed then others.
Knowledge and skill gained through time spent doing a job or activity.
A document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had in the past that you send to someone when you are applying for a job.
A formal meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out if you are suitable for a job.
A chance to do something, or a situation in which it is easy for you to do something.
Knowledge and skill gained through time spent doing a job or activity.
A document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had in the past that you send to someone when you are applying for a job.
A formal meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out if you are suitable for a job.
A chance to do something, or a situation in which it is easy for you to do something.
Слайд 3This is a plane of resume. Write your resume (Это план резюме.
This is a plane of resume. Write your resume (Это план резюме.

Напишите свое резюме)
Personal Details
Professional Experience
Слайд 44. Fill out forms
(Заполните анкеты)
4. Fill out forms
(Заполните анкеты)

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