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Independent project
Independent project
1.Eternally мәңгі вечно 2.Exist өмір сүру существовать 3.Starling discovery таңғажайып ашу ошеломляющее 4.Expand кеңейту расширять 5.Logically қисынды логически 6.Explode жарылу взрываться 7.Widely accepted кеңінен қабылданған общепринятый 8.Hypothesis гипотеза 9.Collapse құлау рухнуть 10.Prior алдынғы предшествующий 11.Countless сансыз бесчисленный 12.Expansion кеңейту расширение 13.Contraction қысқарту сокращение 14.Motivation мотивация 15.Infinite шексіз бесконечный NEW WORDS Before the 20th century people believed that the universe had existed forever and had looked the same way forever.But in 1929 astronomers made a starling discovery.Looking through their telescopes they noticed that the galaxies in our universe are actually moving away from each other at enormous speed-our universe is expanding! If our universe is expanding then logically at some point in the past the entire universe was contained in a single point in space.The Big Ban Theory states that about 14 million years ago our universe we know today.Our universe in other words has not existed forever.It had a definite beginning.Before our universe came into existence there was nothing... no time, space, matter, energy ... nothing! The Big Bang created time,space and matter.The Big Bang Theory is currently the most widely accepted hypothesis for the origin of the universe.However,it still leaves many questions unanswered.For instance,it doesn`t explain why the big bang in the first place. The Big Bang Theory
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