- 2. The sub-population consists of several completely isolated populations. All of them are strongly affected by natural
- 3. Distribution In the area of distribution in southern Yakutia, outlined by the data of the 1960s,
- 4. Lifestyle In the annual cycle of livelihoods, forkers use a complex complex of habitats. It includes
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Слайд 2The sub-population consists of several completely isolated populations. All of them are
The sub-population consists of several completely isolated populations. All of them are

strongly affected by natural and anthropogenic factors. Modern living conditions do not guarantee the preservation of populations.
Слайд 3Distribution In the area of distribution in southern Yakutia, outlined by the
Distribution In the area of distribution in southern Yakutia, outlined by the

data of the 1960s, almost the entire territory of the Aldan Upland is included. Meanwhile, the questionnaire data and the materials of the aerial survey, produced in the late 1970s, indicate sporadic distribution of these animals here. Within the Stanovoi Range, its habitat is limited to the north-eastern extremity - the Tokinsky Stanovik. The sheep constantly inhabit the area of the lake. Tokko. Other sites of permanent habitation are the upper reaches of the Gonam and Sutam rivers and the central part of the Aldan-Uchur mountain range. The total habitable area for tolings in South Yakutia is about 30 thousand km2.
Слайд 4Lifestyle In the annual cycle of livelihoods, forkers use a complex complex
Lifestyle In the annual cycle of livelihoods, forkers use a complex complex

of habitats. It includes almost the entire area of the mountain tundra, located above the belt of arboreal shrub vegetation (above 1400 m above sea level). For most of the year they spend on gentle slopes and vertex plateaus covered with vast fields of stony placers, especially adhering to the areas where there are outcrops, ridges, peaks and other relief elements used as shelter sludges.
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