ПАО Лукойл

Слайд 2

PJSC LUKOIL is one of the largest vertically integrated oil and gas

PJSC LUKOIL is one of the largest vertically integrated oil and gas
companies in the world, accounting for over 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves.
The company fully controls the entire production chain - from oil and gas production to the sale of petroleum products.

Слайд 3

implements exploration and production projects in 12 countries around the world.

LUKOIL implements exploration and production projects in 12 countries around the world.
As of the end of 2014, the proven hydrocarbon reserves of the LUKOIL Group amount to 17.6 billion barrels of oil and gas.Russia accounts for 90% of the Company's proven reserves and 87% of the production of commercial hydrocarbons. Abroad, the Company participates in oil and gas production projects in 6 countries around the world.

geological exploration


oil refining

gas processing



gas station sales


Слайд 5


Ensure stable and long-term business growth, transform LUKOIL into a leading global

mission Ensure stable and long-term business growth, transform LUKOIL into a leading
energy company. To be a reliable supplier of hydrocarbon resources in the global energy market

Слайд 6


LUKOIL considers its goal to create new value, maintain high profitability and

Objectives LUKOIL considers its goal to create new value, maintain high profitability
stability of its business, and provide shareholders with a high return on invested capital by increasing the value of the Company's assets and paying cash dividends
To achieve these goals, LUKOIL will use all available opportunities, including further efforts to reduce costs, increase the efficiency of its operations, improve the quality of products and services provided, and apply new advanced technologies.

Слайд 7

Board of Directors staff

President of PJSC "Lukoil"

First Executive Vice President in charge

Board of Directors staff President of PJSC "Lukoil" First Executive Vice President
of oil and gas production

First Executive Vice President in charge of refining and marketing of petroleum products

First Executive Vice President in charge of financial and economic affairs

subdivisions providing oil and gas production

subdivisions providing refining and marketing of petroleum products

subdivisions providing financial and economic activities

Слайд 9

Динамика показателей баланса

Динамика показателей баланса

Слайд 10

Динамика показателей баланса

Динамика показателей баланса

Слайд 11

Динамика показателей отчёта о финансовых результатах

Динамика показателей отчёта о финансовых результатах

Слайд 12

Показатели ликвидности

Показатели ликвидности

Слайд 13

Динамика показателей ликвидности

Динамика показателей ликвидности

Слайд 14

Анализ оборачиваемости

Анализ оборачиваемости

Слайд 15

Динамика показателей оборачиваемости

Динамика показателей оборачиваемости

Слайд 16

Анализ устойчивости

Анализ устойчивости

Слайд 17

Анализ рентабельности

Анализ рентабельности

Слайд 18

Расчет эффекта финансового рычага

Расчет эффекта финансового рычага

Слайд 19

Эффект финансового рычага

Эффект финансового рычага
Имя файла: ПАО-Лукойл.pptx
Количество просмотров: 196
Количество скачиваний: 1