Finnmark and Troms. The process of merging

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Administrative divisions of Norway

The current Norwegian Government took power in 2013
A municipal

Administrative divisions of Norway The current Norwegian Government took power in 2013
and regional reform bill was subsequently passed by the Norwegian parliament in 2014
The Government presented their proposal of a new regional structure in April 2016


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In 2017 the Norwegian government announced the merge of the existing 19

In 2017 the Norwegian government announced the merge of the existing 19
fylker into 11 regions by 2020 (and Trøndelag by 2018).



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Facts about the merged mega region

74, 600 square kilometers.
Tromsø, by far the

Facts about the merged mega region 74, 600 square kilometers. Tromsø, by
largest city in the region with 72,000 inhabitants, vies to become the regional center after the merger.
Finnmark retain rights to natural resources

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Merger - слияние, объединение, поглощение
The Storting - парламент Норвегии
Administrative unit - административно-территориальное

Glossary Merger - слияние, объединение, поглощение The Storting - парламент Норвегии Administrative
Fylker\Fylke - губерния
Kommune - муниципалитет
Abruptly - внезапно
Northernmost - самый северный
Имя файла: Finnmark-and-Troms.-The-process-of-merging.pptx
Количество просмотров: 52
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