Georgia. Tbilisi

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In Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, the influence of other cultures, in

Tbilisi In Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, the influence of other cultures,
particular Persian and Russian, is very noticeable. Cobbled streets, Orthodox churches, fancifully decorated buildings and architectural monuments of Soviet modernism - all this is Tbilisi.


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The flag of Georgia

is one of the main official symbols of

The flag of Georgia is one of the main official symbols of
Georgia. It has been used by the Georgian state since the thirteenth (13th) century and is one of the oldest flags in the world.


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Georgia is a secular state, but the main religion in Georgia is

Georgia Religion Georgia is a secular state, but the main religion in
Orthodoxy. It is practiced by ninety one percent (91%) of the country's population. Most of them belong to the Georgian Orthodox Church.

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Territory - 69,700 km²

The total population of Georgia is 3,723,500 people. Together

Territory - 69,700 km² The total population of Georgia is 3,723,500 people.
with Russia and Ukraine, Georgia shares the 10th highest mortality rate in the world.

It is located in the western part of the Caucasus on the eastern coast of the Black Sea and at the junction of Europe and Asia.





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Links with Russia

Bilateral relations between Georgia and Russia date back hundreds of

Links with Russia Bilateral relations between Georgia and Russia date back hundreds
years and remain complicated despite certain religious and historical ties that exist between the two countries and their people.


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