Hungary a country in central Europe

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Hungary (Magyarország) is a country in Central Europe, member of the European

Hungary (Magyarország) is a country in Central Europe, member of the European
Union and the Schengen Border-less Europe Agreement. The country offers many diverse destinations: relatively low mountains in the north-west, the Great Plain in the east, lakes and rivers of all sorts (including Balaton - the largest lake in Central Europe).

Capital Budapest
Government Parliamentary democracy
Currency Forint (HUF)
Population 10,049,000 (2008 est.)
Language Hungarian 98.2%, other 1.8%
Religion Roman Catholic 67.5%, Calvinist 20%, Lutheran 5%, atheist and other 7.5%

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The Hungarian traditional outfit has a lot of Renaissance and Baroque features.

Magyars The Hungarian traditional outfit has a lot of Renaissance and Baroque
But until the beginning of the 20th century, the folk clothing of Hungary was simpler and had fewer decorations. Only in the 1930s, colorful threads were added to the patterns, and the amount of embroidery was increased. Today, Hungarian folk dress is rarely used by locals. Though, it still is unique and outstanding.

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Hungarian is an Ugric language with about 13 million speakers (in 2012)

Magyar Hungarian is an Ugric language with about 13 million speakers (in
in Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine and Slovakia. There are also many people of Hungarian origin in the UK and other European countries, the USA, Canada and Australia.

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The past is formed using the suffix –t or –tt: lát 'sees';

The past is formed using the suffix –t or –tt: lát 'sees';
látott 'saw', past.
János látja az almát. - ‘John sees the apple.’ Neutral sentence.

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Sample text in Hungarian
Minden emberi lény szabadon születik és egyenlő méltósága és

Sample text in Hungarian Minden emberi lény szabadon születik és egyenlő méltósága
joga van. Az emberek, ésszel és lelkiismerettel bírván, egymással szemben testvéri szellemben kell hogy viseltessenek.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

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Bokod floating houses

Bokod floating houses

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Busójárás carnival festival, Mohács

Busójárás carnival festival, Mohács

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The thermal baths are some of the world’s finest

The thermal baths are some of the world’s finest
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