- 2. Hungary (Magyarország) is a country in Central Europe, member of the European Union and the Schengen
- 3. Magyars The Hungarian traditional outfit has a lot of Renaissance and Baroque features. But until the
- 4. Magyar Hungarian is an Ugric language with about 13 million speakers (in 2012) in Hungary, Romania,
- 5. The past is formed using the suffix –t or –tt: lát 'sees'; látott 'saw', past. János
- 6. Sample text in Hungarian Minden emberi lény szabadon születik és egyenlő méltósága és joga van. Az
- 7. Bokod floating houses
- 8. Busójárás carnival festival, Mohács
- 9. Vineyards
- 10. The thermal baths are some of the world’s finest
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