New Zealand

Слайд 2

1. Introduction. Problem question.
2. New Zealand
Geographical position
Capital, places of Interest
in New Zealand

Plan 1. Introduction. Problem question. 2. New Zealand Geographical position Capital, places
Interesting about country
3. Conclusion
4. Literature and Internet Resources
5. Thank you for attention

Слайд 3

1) My project is New Zealand . I would like to tell

1) My project is New Zealand . I would like to tell
you about the country, the capital, Geographical position, places of Interest.
2) The tasks of my project is learn something new about the country. To know more about New Zealand .
3) Problem question. Is New Zealand really a good place to live?
4) I want to know more about New Zealand
5) Theme is very interesting for me, because I like to explore new countries.

Introduction. Problem question.

Слайд 4

One of the main features of the New Zealand mentality is the

One of the main features of the New Zealand mentality is the
complete absence of fuss and haste in any business. The attitude of the locals towards visitors is favorable. Hence New Zealand is a good country to live.

Problem question. Is New Zealand really a good place to live?

Слайд 5

The main territory of the country consists of two islands with the

The main territory of the country consists of two islands with the
corresponding names-South Island and North Island, separated by the Cook Strait. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean.

Geographical position

Слайд 6

Windy City. Wellington is the windiest city in the world with an

Windy City. Wellington is the windiest city in the world with an
average wind speed of 27 km/h. The city stands on the shore of the Cook Strait. For one week in November 2012, Wellington was officially renamed the "Middle of Middle-earth".

Capital, places of Interest

Слайд 7

New Zealand is located between Australia and Antarctica. This is one of

New Zealand is located between Australia and Antarctica. This is one of
the last significant landmasses that were inhabited by humans.
The north island has volcanoes, deserts, and tropical beaches, while the south island is covered with plains, glaciers, and mountain peaks.

Some Interesting about country

Слайд 8

1) I have chosen the theme New Zealand, because New Zealand is

1) I have chosen the theme New Zealand, because New Zealand is
an interesting country.
2) This problem question is very important for me, because it is currently relevant.
3) To my mind New Zealand is a diverse country.
4) My attitude to New Zealand is positive.
5) As for me New Zealand is a good country for tourism.


Слайд 9

Literature and Internet Resources Literature and Internet Resources
Имя файла: New-Zealand.pptx
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