Слайд 2Чокто
Чокто:Choctaw, sometimes wrong Choctaw, English Choctaw. The Choctaw, self-named Chahta, is an
Чокто:Choctaw, sometimes wrong Choctaw, English Choctaw. The Choctaw, self-named Chahta, is an

indigenous people of the United States, originally living in the southeast. The Choctaw language belongs to the Muscogee family.
Слайд 3Пуэбло
Пуэбло:Pueblo (from Spanish pueblo - 1) “people”, 2) “village”) is a group
Пуэбло:Pueblo (from Spanish pueblo - 1) “people”, 2) “village”) is a group

of Indian peoples of the Southwestern United States. Number - 32 thousand people (1987). They live in the states of Arizona and New Mexico, between the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers. They belong to the American race. Religion - Protestantism and Catholicism with traditional cults, although back in the 18th century the Pueblos resisted the introduction of Christianity with exceptional fury - in particular, they destroyed the fortified settlement of Avatovi, where their fellow tribesmen who converted to Christianity lived, killing all the men who were there
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