October. Pioneers. Komsomol members

Слайд 2


October-children 7-8 years old, they were engaged in good deeds:helped the elders,learned

October October-children 7-8 years old, they were engaged in good deeds:helped the
to overcome difficulties,read and ride.

Слайд 3

They began to gather for meetings of the «stars»when they made their

They began to gather for meetings of the «stars»when they made their
first plans of work,reported on what had been done,and made promises.Leaders of the October were the Pioneers

Order of October

Слайд 4


Pioneers-children 9-14 years old,at that time were olready quite self-formed people.They divided

Pioneers Pioneers-children 9-14 years old,at that time were olready quite self-formed people.They
into detachments,united in squads.
They already had full-fledged meetings and even congresses,to which the best of the best were delegated.

Слайд 5

The pioneers carried out the orders of the Komsomol members and patronized

The pioneers carried out the orders of the Komsomol members and patronized
October. Among their cases, one can mention assistance to the elderly and needy (Timur movement),collection of secondary raw materials, combating bad habit, pursuing interests in the Pioneer Houses.

Order of Pioneers

Слайд 6

Komsomol members- young people aged 15-28 years.They were concidered advanced youth.The very

Komsomol members- young people aged 15-28 years.They were concidered advanced youth.The very
best were accepted into the Komsomol.They did not accept loafers,those who was lazy,had had habits or did not receive recommendations from the Pioneer Organization.

Слайд 7

Members of the Komsomol already had membership cards, they paid membership fees.The

Members of the Komsomol already had membership cards, they paid membership fees.The
best became active communists. The Komsomol members did not have clearly defined duties, a healthy way of life and patriotic upbringing were promoted. From the Komsomol can be «Kicked out».Such an exile lost the right to occupy executive positions and actually put an end to his career.
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