Слайд 2Contents
Prelude: complain,forces, location
The battle

Слайд 3Introduction
DATE: September 8, 1380
LOCATION: Don river Russia
Mongal empire

Grand principality of Moscow
Слайд 4Background
Keivan Rus became part of the western region of the Mongal

Empire. .( also known as the Golden Horde)
After killing the of khan Berdi Beg of the Golden Horde at 1359, a civil
War has arisen there.
During the war nee political power was appearing, such as the Grand
Duchy of Lithuania, Moscow and Ryazan.
The open conflict between Dmitry and Mamai began in 1374 Ryazan. Prince Oleg was defeated by Mamai in 1378 Therefore, in the campaigns. of 1380 Oleg took the side of Mamai
Слайд 5Prelude
In August 1380 Prince Dmitri learned of the approaching army of.

Mamai. It is alleged that Oleg Ryazansky sent a message to him.
Dmitry assembled an army in Kolomna. There he was visited by the ambassadors of Mamai
After reviewing the army, on August 20 he moved west along
the Oka Rive
On September 6 Russian army reached the Don River where it
was reorganized taking into account the units that joined during
the movement from Kolomna
Слайд 6Prelude
Estimates of the number of the Russian army by historians gradually

departed from the hundreds of thousands of soldiers described in the
chronicles and medieval literature
Estimates of the forces of the Tatars in Russian sources are equally unreliabl
Слайд 7Prelude
Ancient sources do not give a precise description of the

site of the battle
Studies of ancient soils in the 20th century showed that the left bank of
Nepryadva near its influx in the Don was covered with dense forests
while on the right there was a wooded steppe with vast openings.
Слайд 8 The Battle
The Russian army was organized into six "regiments" - a

a Forward, two regiments of “Right" and "Left Hand,“
The army's flanks were protected by ravines with dense thickets
which excluded any chance for a surprise flank attack of a Horde
The Russian champion was Alexander Peresvet and The Horde’s
champion was Temir-murza
Слайд 9The battle
After the fights of the advanced detachments, the main forces

of both armies clashed.
As soon as this order was disrupted, the survivors from the unit
fled and a new detachment was put in their place
The regiment of the "Left Hand" was also overturned and some
"Moscow recruits" fell into a panic.
A third of the commanders of 23 "banners" were killed in action.
Grand Prince Dmitry himself survived, although wounded and
fainted from exhaustion.
Слайд 10Result
Decisive Muscovy victory.
Title of Grand Duke is secured for the Moscow faction

historical mention of Muscovy as an independent country
Decline of the Golden Horde
Слайд 11Aftermath
Upon learning of Mamai's defeat, Prince Jogaila turned his
army back to

Mukhammad-Bulek, Mamai's figurehead Khan, was killed
in battle. Mamai escaped to the Genoese stronghold Caffa
in Cremia
Prince Dmitri, who became known as Donskoy (of the Don)
after the battle, did not manage to become fully independent
from the Golden Horde