Victorian times


Слайд 2


The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the internet to

INTRODUCTION The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the internet
the study of historical data of Victorian era in Britain.
Purpose: to get acquainted with the Queen`s Victoria biography, reign and changes in the lives of British people.
The Objects: British history.
The subject of research: Queen Victoria
Methods: analysis, search.

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Victorian era was a time of great changes in the lives

QUEEN VICTORIA Victorian era was a time of great changes in the
of British people. Queen Victoria reigned for sixty-three years, seven months, and two days (June 20, 1837 – January 22, 1901). She was born on the 24th of May, 1819, and was called Alexandrina Victoria. She got her first name in honour of her fourth cousin, the Russian tsar Alexander I. Her father died when she was only 8 months old. Victoria was taught at home. She learned foreign languages (German, English, Italian, Greek and French), studied history, geography, music and the Bible. Her hobby for the rest of her life was painting. King William died and 18-year-old Princess Victoria became queen.

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Франц Винтельхальтер. Портрет королевы Виктории, 1843

Автопортрет королевы Виктории, 1844

Франц Винтельхальтер. Портрет королевы Виктории, 1843 Автопортрет королевы Виктории, 1844

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Alfred Edward Chalon. Портрет королевы Виктории, 1837-38

Alexander Melville. Портрет королевы Виктории, 1845

Alfred Edward Chalon. Портрет королевы Виктории, 1837-38 Alexander Melville. Портрет королевы Виктории, 1845

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In 1837 she was crowned at Westminster Abbey. At the age of 21,

In 1837 she was crowned at Westminster Abbey. At the age of
Victoria married a German prince, her cousin Albert. Victoria had to propose to Albert herself because according to the royal protocol, no man is allowed to propose to a queen.

Франц Винтельхальтер. Портрет принца Альберта, 1842

Слайд 7

Queen Victoria had nine children, 40 grand-children and 37 great-grandchildren. Most of her

Queen Victoria had nine children, 40 grand-children and 37 great-grandchildren. Most of
children married into other royal families of Europe and she became known as the ‘Grandmother of Europe’.

Франц Винтельхальтер. Королева Виктория, принц Альберт и их дети

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Edwin Landseer. Принц Альберт и королева Виктория, 1841-42

Edwin Landseer. Принц Альберт и королева Виктория, 1841-42

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Принц Альберт и королева Виктория. Фотография

Принц Альберт и королева Виктория. Фотография

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Albert died at the age of 42. Victoria wore black for the rest

Albert died at the age of 42. Victoria wore black for the
of her life. However, personal grief did not prevent Victoria from becoming a strong politician. The era of Victoria's rule was called the Victorian era. This was the era of the industrial revolution and the period of the greatest prosperity of the British Empire. Victoria was placed on a par with Elizabeth the First.

Франц Винтельхальтер. Королева Виктория, 1870

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The death of Queen Victoria on January 22, 1901, at the age

The death of Queen Victoria on January 22, 1901, at the age
of 82, was perceived in great Britain as the end of the world. The vast majority of her subjects were born during her reign and could not imagine that anyone else could be on the throne.

памятник королеве Виктории. Оттава (Канада)

Слайд 13

England, Brighton: the royal palace: Victorian times

Having crossed the threshold of this

England, Brighton: the royal palace: Victorian times Having crossed the threshold of
Palace, it seems that you got into a fairy tale. Gilded dragons and stairs that mimic bamboo, carved palm trees and portals, minarets and Chinese -style interiors... Each room is more luxurious and amazing than the previous one. This is the Royal pavilion in Brighton, England.

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Today there is a Museum in the Royal pavilion . It receives

Today there is a Museum in the Royal pavilion . It receives
daily visitors, and sometimes meets newlyweds and famous guests – for celebrations, the halls of the Palace can be rented.

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During the Victorian era there were great changes in the lives

GREAT CHANGES During the Victorian era there were great changes in the
of British people. – The Industrial Revolution changed Britain from a land of small towns, villages and farms into a land of cities, large towns and factories. – Britain became the largest empire in the world and one of the world’s richest countries. – Railways were built, and people could travel easily around the country for the first time. Families went to the seaside for the day by train. Many seaside towns became popular resorts. – By the end of Victoria’s reign all children could get free public schooling.

Слайд 17


1) Википедия {Электронный ресурс}. -
2) Яндекс картинки -
3) Викторианские времена

LITERATURE 1) Википедия {Электронный ресурс}. - 2) Яндекс картинки -
4) История -
5) Британника -
6) BBC история -
Имя файла: Victorian-times.pptx
Количество просмотров: 61
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