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Слайд 2Once upon a butterfly and frog. They lived together happily ever after.
Once upon a butterfly and frog. They lived together happily ever after.

We can say they were the best of friends. Here they are playing hide and seek. But disaster struck when a butterfly looking frog she had not found! Frog gone! Approaching night. Butterfly and so it is not found. She looked all around. She flew home tired, and most of the night could not sleep, she kept thinking about the frog.
Слайд 3Butterfly awakened by the noise. She got up and saw a frog
Butterfly awakened by the noise. She got up and saw a frog

!!! She was so happy! It turned out that the frog just lost! A butterfly raskazala him as she worried about him, even as barely slept. Frog was surprised but Simultaneity was happy that he saw his best friend. He thought that he was no longer her uvidet.I here they went for a walk but do not hide and seek, and just ran around the house one by one! They were very happy! They lived together! End of! And who listened to fellow !!!
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