Слайд 2Scoring Method
Grade 4-6
100 points in total
5 points for each question from 1
Scoring Method
Grade 4-6
100 points in total
5 points for each question from 1

to 20 are the same
100 points in total
Grade7~University(College) Student
4 points for each question from 1 to 20
6 points per question from 21 to 25
110 points in total
100 points in total
Grade7~University(College) Student
4 points for each question from 1 to 20
6 points per question from 21 to 25
110 points in total
내용 추가
Слайд 3추가 수정 2022-10-07
추가 수정 2022-10-07

Слайд 4http://www.imc-impea.org/FAQ/aboutTheAward
이런식으로 문구+이미지추가
상장이미지 (파일 첨부함)
Certificate Sample
이런식으로 문구+이미지추가
상장이미지 (파일 첨부함)
Certificate Sample

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Теория географических оценок