
Слайд 3

Linking words

Linking words

Слайд 4

The term technological unemployment is applied to a certain type of workers

The term technological unemployment is applied to a certain type of workers
whose labor has been unclaimed due to the introduction of technology into the work process.
There are some advantages of this process. Firstly, people who have been replaced by robots have more free time and are less tired. Secondly, technological unemployment will force people to come up with more ideas to solve the ecology politics and technology problems.
However, this process also has drawbacks. The worst thing is that more people will commit crimes because they will have little money and a lot of free time. Also, the number of unemployed will increase several times and their families will become poor.
In conclusion I would like to say that, despite the disadvantages of technological unemployment, our world cannot fail to develop technologically and in any case it cannot be avoided.

Слайд 5

it jobs
Home work
because it is a difficult process

earth it jobs prous Home work because it is a difficult process

Слайд 6



Слайд 7

Конструкции as…as, not so… as

as … as —  такой же … как. 

Конструкции as…as, not so… as as … as — такой же …
если качества предметов примерно одинаковые.
This apartment is as big as your house
not so … as —  не такой … как.  
Используется, если один из двух предметов отличается по качествам в большую или меньшую сторону.
Tom is not so tall as his sister Kate

Слайд 8

Вставьте as … as или so … as
Mike is … tall … Pete.
My room is

Вставьте as … as или so … as Mike is … tall
… light … this one.
This book is not … thin … that one.
Sergei is … old … Michael.
She is … young … Tom’s brother.
This woman is … good … that one.
Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
I am not … tall … Pete.
This woman is … young … that one.
I am … thin … you.
Kate is … lazy .. her brother.
This child is not … small … that one.

as red as a beet,
as black as coal,
as cold as ice,
as slippery as an eel,
as smooth as silk

Слайд 9


Fill in the blanks with adjectives

https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Adjectives/Everything_at_Once_by_Lenka_ao1352087jb Fill in the blanks with adjectives

Слайд 10

Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкции «as … as»  или «so … as».
Russia is

Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкции «as … as» или «so … as». Russia
bigger than India. (Россия больше Индии.) – India isn’t so big as Russia. (Индия не так велика, как Россия.)
He is very tall and she is very tall too. – He is .......... her.
Jane and Tim are both good swimmers. – Jane swims ……….
Sara is stronger than me. – I’m not ……….
Our hotel is more expensive than yours.– Your hotel isn’t ………. ours.
His blue suit is very smart and his black suit is also very smart. – His blue suit is ………. his black suit.
My cat is younger than my dog.– My dog isn’t ………. my cat.

Слайд 12

Поставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу фразы.
as red as a beet, as

Поставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу фразы. as red as a beet,
slow as a turtle, as sweet as honey, as busy as a bee, as clumsy as a bear, as black as coal, as cold as ice, as slippery as an eel, as free as a bird, as smooth as silk
Your friend is so unemotional, he is … .
I got embarrassed and I was … .
Tom and Anna have got six children and they are always … .
Sorry, Bob, but I’ve spilled the milk on the carpet. I’m … .
I like my skin after a bath, it is … .
The exams are over and I can go anywhere I want. I am … .
He asked me to forgive him and his words were … .
Can you drive faster? Your car is … .
Don’t sign any papers with that man. He is … .
After playing in the mud all day, the kids were … 

Слайд 14

neither ... nor - ни ... ни;
either ... or - или

neither ... nor - ни ... ни; either ... or - или
... или, либо ... либо;
both ... and - и ... и, как ... так и.

Слайд 15

Neither ... nor - ни ... ни

Neither Kate nor her friend answered the question.
We brought neither books nor copy-books.

Neither ... nor - ни ... ни Neither Kate nor her friend
mustn't neither help, nor lend the money to John.
We bought neither old nor new flat.

Слайд 16

Either ... or - или ... или

Either our classmates, or your friend has complained to the teacher

Either ... or - или ... или Either our classmates, or your

They will either build a restaurant or a shopping center in this district

Слайд 17

Both ... and - и ... и, как ... так и

Both John and that engineer

Both ... and - и ... и, как ... так и Both
refuse to work
We saw both the university and the school

Слайд 19

1    Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or,

1 Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or,
neither... nor, both... and.

1.    I didn't like the new book. It was ... interesting ... useful. 2.    I invited two friends, but ... Liz ... Jane could come to the party. 3.    Granny promised me a nice dessert. It will be ... a chocolate cake ... an apple pie. 4.    Last year I visited ... London ... St Petersburg. 5.    Alex will phone me ... at five o'clock ... at six o'clock. 6.    No, thank you. I'll have ... tea ... coffee.
7. I drink ... coffee ... hot chocolate. — I drink neither coffee nor hot chocolate.

Слайд 20

 Insert either or neither

1. I was expecting you ... today or tomorrow.

Insert either or neither 1. I was expecting you ... today or
He spoke ... English nor French.
3. — Which  one do you want? —I don't want... .
4. We can meet ... at six or at seven.
5. Nelly has two  friends. ... is in town now.
6. The weather is ... cold nor warm today.
7. Doctor, you are not being  ... frank or fair.
8. — Which one do you want? — I don't want ... .
9. There was no sound from ...  of the flats.
10. She ... drinks, smokes, nor eats meat.
11. In ... case the answer is the same.
12.  They may be ... here or there.

Слайд 21

professions of the future

professions of the future

Слайд 22

Profession name
* Additional Information


Profession name Wage Education * Additional Information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1vlDEh817k
Имя файла: 27,29.09.pptx
Количество просмотров: 39
Количество скачиваний: 0