Confection factory «Slavyanka» - yesterday, today, tomorrow

Слайд 2



The symbol of the factory

cC CC The symbol of the factory

Слайд 3

Confection factory «Slavyanka»

It is the whole Aroma kingdom, which is situated at

Confection factory «Slavyanka» It is the whole Aroma kingdom, which is situated
two territories – in the centre of Stary Oskol and in industrial region of the town.
It is 30 thousands ton production of caramel, sweets, chocolate, tofee, dragee, wafers, marshmallow, marmalade.
It is wide assortment of products, counting 300 denominations of confectionery.
It is constant looking-for new tastes, shapes, names, packing, design in confectionery industry.
It is the only producer in Russia, manufacturing hollow and wafers and glazed sweets type «Miracle» with magnificiant tender-creamy filling.
It is production under trade mark of 95% confectionery products in Belgorod region and about 23% of all products in Central – Tchernozemny region of the country and 1% of the overall volume production in Russia.

Слайд 4

«Slavyanka» - heirs of Dyakovy merchants

The history of becoming and development of

«Slavyanka» - heirs of Dyakovy merchants The history of becoming and development
«Slavyanka» is special pride of it’s employees.
The town of Stary Oskol (named Tzar Alexei back in the 16-th century) was a patrimonial estate of Alexei Mikhailovitch, the Russian king and father of Peter I the Great. It was a peaceful town of city of grain farmers and artisans. Years passed and Peter I ascended the throne starting to upturn the old Russia. Peter’s innovations also touched Stary Oskol. Russia started to build and develop its naval fleet; ships were built at Voronezh wharf. When ship construction was over, Peter the king donated land plots in our city to the most distinguished builders and contractors. One of the first settlers in Stary Oskol were Dyakovs, merchants of the First Guild. Having ship building experience they constructed boats dockyard at river Oskol bank, and also a joinery. Dyakovy business was extended: from boats and ships they began to traverse t0 wooden goods, to furniture. Later Dyakovy established shop for wood artistic carving.

Слайд 5

At seventies of the 18-th centry Dyakovy began to establish oil production.

At seventies of the 18-th centry Dyakovy began to establish oil production.
Higher along the river Oskol flow industrialist and manufacturer of threads, linen and ropes Fyodor Shestakov sowed large fields areas with cannabis, seeds of which nowhere to apply. Dyakovy tried to manufacture cannabis oil for icon lamps from the seeds. By the way demand for icon lamps oil at that time was great! They got they highest quality oil and began to sell to other provinces, it was besieged by customers. Time passed and almost the whole Russia began to buy oil by Dyakovy. When in 1876 it was built factory now it’s name «Electrosila», Dyakovy delivered oil thither for transformators. Sweets production at Stary Oskol began from icon lamps oil manufacturing. And precisely from the equipment bought for that oil production Dyakovy installed at the factory steam machine with power 650 horse power, bought in Belgium and huge boiler generated steam for rotation of it’s turbines. At the same time it was decided to use boiler steam for baking kalatchi(small white loafs shaped like a padlock) and bubliki(bread-rings). That was the very beginning. Little bit later Dyakovy established large bee – garden, getting honey. It was a great number of nuts then at forests and following demotic receipt they were granulated and mixed with honey. The result was something like candied roasted nuts.

Слайд 6

The factory received it’s name due to the holiday, at which the

The factory received it’s name due to the holiday, at which the
meeting took place. Thus the factoy began to be called the 1st May Confectionery factory.

Слайд 7

Masters-fitters began to restore the factory. At the end of 1931 it

Masters-fitters began to restore the factory. At the end of 1931 it
were given to the factory all warehouses situated at its territory. The factory vanufaktured honey cakes, sugar candies and caramel with fruit filling. Here is information about the factory of those days from Starooskolskaya newspaper «October,s way» dated 7th Nowember, 1932: «There was cooperagt, it was cleaned, left only walls, installed inside oven invented by comrade Ryabtzev.» From that moment the history of Starooskolskaya confectionery factory began. There were 30 employees, all work was manual. Productiviti was limited. It was not possibl to produce much in narrow not equipped cooperage, taking into account also littlt-qualified working forces. But the small collectivity of the little shop struggled hardly for qualitative and quantitative indexes of confectionery production. Because of the their efforts the shop began to have fair accumulation and then with those means the production extended. In 1930 instead of small shop it was began building of semi-mechanized factory and in autumn 1932 the factory finished restoration. On the 7th Nowember 1932 factory employees celebrated victory of reconsstrucnion finishing. Today it can produce 10 thousands ton of confectionery per year.
The factory growth is much beholden to comrade Ryabtzev. His labour, inventions, resourcefulness and ratiuonalizer abilities are done justice to.
Today there is a great holiday at the confectionery factory»

Слайд 8

In 1932 it was burnt out garret ceiling of the main

In 1932 it was burnt out garret ceiling of the main building
building (former sweet shop №1), where paper reserve was warehoused. In 1933-1934 the bulding was renewed fnd simultaneously with shops restoration it was done construction of the second floor in the main building, where later was situated marshmallow-marmalade shop.Up to 1941 the factory manufactured basically honey cakes of differend sorts, caramel and halva.Daily production was 30 ton by 100 employees.
At the period of the Great Patriotic War Starooskolskaya confectionery factory was hard damaged, as the lines in documents run: «Instead of production, warehouse and auxiliary rooms it were left only walls.»
On the 7th February of 1943 as soon as germany armee left the town the former employees gathered at the factory, most of them women and began to install some equipment. Hungry people did not wait for invitations and among the first began to puff pipes chimneys of the confectionery factory – it was begun bread baking, which was at that time the most expensive and appetizing delicacy.
But at the factory history there is purely war page, on which it is fixed intense of the great battle developed in Central Tshernozyomye in 1942-1943.There are habitants in Stary Oskol, who remembers that during the first after-warmonths it was situated hospital at the factory building. The hospital «settled» at the confectionery factory at once after our town deliverance from invaders. It was at the end of February in 1943.

Слайд 9

In sixties years it were led at the factory considerable works for

In sixties years it were led at the factory considerable works for
mechanization of loading – discharge jobs, for labor conditions improvement, productions culture, for industrial aesthetics, sanitary-living for service of employees, for territory improvement for progressive technology inculcation, for assortment increase. At the end of 1966 the factory was forced to stop production of floury confectionery. Well worked production was to stop because of demand fall honey cakes and cookies. In this connection assortment of confectionery reached in 1965 year 162 denominations, being cutted to 132 denominations, its capacity falls also. The factory collectivity looked for assortment increase ways, from 1966 till 1970 55 new types of goods are developed. If take into account hard regulation of new goods in conditions of that economic system, necessity of coordination for new products manufacturing with high-ranking authorities, the leaders of the factory in some way effectuated economic deed, fighting the way to so many new products.

Слайд 11

Raw materials delivery, confectionery demand changing. 1971 year can be called as

Raw materials delivery, confectionery demand changing. 1971 year can be called as
very difficult in the factory history – in May caramel shop with productivity 3930 ton is closed due to caramel demand absence. Production is decreased to 6820 ton and the factory loses 36 denominations of assortment.
After caramel and sponge-cake shops closing the factory collectivity do not agree with production capacity being left, and besides production areas were narrow. The question about the factory reconstruction was risen. And such reconstruction was planned for the ninth five-year-period (1971-1975). As a result the productivity to 1975 should reach 15500 ton, but means for reconstruction were not given.
Only after ten years, in 1981 the question about the factory reconstruction was solved, means for buildings construction and equipment buying were given.
The factory reconstruction goes in two turns:
First turn – 1981-1988.

Слайд 12

In 1989 production of toffee and marshmallow – marmalade products in old

In 1989 production of toffee and marshmallow – marmalade products in old
building was stopped and in 1989 the shop was pulled down and on its place it was begun construction of warehouses block, which fully was given into exploitation in 1999.

Слайд 13

In April 2001 it was begun factory construction. That is self-sufficient complex

In April 2001 it was begun factory construction. That is self-sufficient complex
with complete power provision, railways, warehouse and auto-shop.
Main pride of the new factory is production building, corresponding to the world production level, where it is planned to six modern plants (with capacity 17 thousands ton per year) for manufacturing exclusive sorts of confectionery, here is building sport-for-health complex, including sport hall, swimming pool, sauna and body-builder hall.
The first product at this factory was manufactured in October 2002.

Слайд 14

“SLAVYANKA” has six production shops.
The main territory of the factory consists of

“SLAVYANKA” has six production shops. The main territory of the factory consists
sponge-cake-sweets shop, chocolate shop, caramel-marmalade shop, shop for production of sweets and wafers type “Miracle”, wafer shop.
The new factory was build at industrial region of the town with planned production capacity 17 thousand ton of products per year.
Production volumes of the factory are constantly increasing, that is shown at schema.
The main share of the manufactured products is packaged and separate products as the most promising directions in confectionery production.

Слайд 15

Confectionery factory
“Slavyanka” has been realized
already more than 70 years its

Confectionery factory “Slavyanka” has been realized already more than 70 years its

own activity, offering to the
consumers broad choice of high quality products.
At the present time the factory extends essentially the geography of confectionery delivery. Our products are in large demand not only in central regions of Russian Federation, but also in Rostov region, Stavropol region, Krasnodar region, Siberia, Far East, Northern Caucasus, Trans- Caucasus and also in foreign countries: Byelorussia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Georgia, Germany and USA.

Слайд 16

Confectionery factory “Slavyanka” is a visiting-card of Belgorod region and town Stary

Confectionery factory “Slavyanka” is a visiting-card of Belgorod region and town Stary
Strategic course of the factory finance policy – that is tendency to fund all programs of technical re-equipment and long-term finance investments.
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