- 2. Huh, that’s funny?
- 3. Huh, that’s funny?
- 4. There's an all-out, global "Arms Race" waging in the automotive industry
- 5. We’re Getting There Fast @inadarei 2020: 90% of new cars and US $600B
- 6. But Still Got a Long Way To Go @inadarei
- 7. Five-year lifecycle vs. Mobile SDLC Regulatory mandate for Connectivity Built-in or brought-in? Global connectivity and roaming
- 9. There's an all-out, global "Arms Race" waging in the automotive industry MY PLAYGROUND, MY RULES…
- 10. @inadarei “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be
- 11. @inadarei #1 OEMs need An Android a standard hypermedia type for their APIs.
- 12. @inadarei #2 OEMs need to adopt a standard delegated, context-aware security + identity system
- 13. @inadarei #3 OEMs need to embrace open app ecosystem and provide: Self-service dev portals Robust, public
- 14. @inadarei One More Thing…
- 15. @inadarei
- 16. @inadarei SOA APIs IoT
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