Functions of state

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In order that the State may

exist as a sovereign political organization it must exercise certain functions. These functions aim at the maintenance of internal peace, order and safety, the protection of persons and property, and the preservation of State's own existence and external security. These are the original functions of the State, and they persist under any form of government.
1. Enforcing law. 2. Maintaining peace and order.3. Repelling aggression (violence).4. Building friendly relations with other states 5. When necessary to wage war to protect the country.6. Making appointments to higher posts.7. Raising money and spending them. 8. Convening the sessions of the legislature and conducting business. 9. Issues ordinances whenever the legislature is to in session..

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Service Function  means a specific category of Services, such as remote monitoring

Service Function means a specific category of Services, such as remote monitoring
and management services, systems support and DBA support performed by Supplier Personnel.
Collect taxes.
Public education.
Medicare/Medicaid .
Social Security.
Criminal Law.
Postal Service.
Maintain public highways/infrastructure.

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In the law, the judiciary or judicial system is the system of courts that administers justice in the name of

JUDICIAL SYSTEM In the law, the judiciary or judicial system is the
the sovereign or state. A judicial system is used to resolve disputes.
The term is also used to refer collectively to the judges and magistrates who form the basis of the judiciary, as well as the other people who help keep the system running properly.
Separation of powers causes separate branches of government that each have a different purpose. The judiciary is the branch of government that interprets the law. Such systems may have three branches: Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. Often the judiciary branch has courts of first resort, appellate courts, and a supreme court or constitutional court. Decisions of the lower courts may be appealed to the higher courts.

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The term education system generally refers to public schooling, not private schooling, and more

EDUCATION The term education system generally refers to public schooling, not private
commonly to kindergarten through high school programs. Schools or school districts are typically the smallest recognized form of “education system” and countries are the largest. States are also considered to have education systems.
Simply put, an education system comprises everything that goes into educating public-school students at the federal, state, or community levels:
Laws, policies, and regulations
Public funding, resource allocations, and procedures for determining funding levels
State and district administrative offices, school facilities, and transportation vehicles
Human resources, staffing, contracts, compensation, and employee benefits
Books, computers, teaching resources, and other learning materials
And, of course, countless other contributing elements
While the term education system is widely and frequently used in news media and public discourse, it may be difficult to determine precisely what the term is referring to when it is used without qualification, specific examples, or additional explanation.

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At its most basic, the term “transportation system” is used to refer

TRANSPORTATION. At its most basic, the term “transportation system” is used to
to the equipment and logistics of transporting passengers and goods. It covers movement by all forms of transport, from cars and buses to boats, aircraft and even space travel. Transportation systems are employed in troop movement logistics and planning, as well as in running the local school bus service.
The purpose of a transportation system is to coordinate the movement of people, goods and vehicles in order to utilize routes most efficiently. When implemented, transportation systems seek to reduce transport costs and improve delivery times through effective timetabling and route management. Periodic re-evaluations and the development of alternative routes allow for timely changes to the transportation system in order to maintain efficiency.
A standard transportation system will usually feature multiple timetables designed to inform the user of where each vehicle in the fleet is expected to be at any given point in time. These timetables are developed alongside an array of route plans designed to coordinate vehicle movements in a way that prevents bottlenecks in any one location.

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A strategy firm or department develops the strategy, approach and way

BUSINESS SYSTEM Strategy A strategy firm or department develops the strategy, approach
to implement change for a company. Strategy-based businesses help others reach their goals and objectives through thoughtful planning, decision-making and risk assessment. They discover the strengths and weaknesses of a company, find its competitive advantage and plan how to reach business goals, like increase revenue, expand to new markets or distribute internationally, for example.
A finance and accounting firm or department handles business related aspects like funding, budgets, accounting and financial oversight. They process tax payments, file tax returns, invoice customers, distribute employee paychecks and track paid time off, record cash flow and expense payments, conduct audits and handle finance or tax law. Another type of financing firm provides companies and small businesses with loans to purchase equipment, inventory or supplies, most often used to raise capital in the manufacturing industry.

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Information technology
Information technology is about the development and operation of applications, systems

Information technology Information technology is about the development and operation of applications,
and hardware and software. IT companies or departments install and maintain communications and security systems, digital networks, internet and cloud storage. They deploy computers, printers and other electronic devices to employees and help with technical assistance. Sometimes IT firms or departments also help with website development and maintenance and client relationship management.

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The Indian judicial system follows the common law system

THE INDIAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM. The Indian judicial system follows the common law
based on recorded judicial precedents as inherited from the British colonial legacy. The court system of India comprises the Supreme Court of India, the High Courts and subordinate courts at district, municipal and village levels.
On 26 January 1950, the Indian Constitution was written and it is worlds largest constitution written. The constitution is the source of law in India and also the supreme law of India. Judicial System of India consists of Supreme Court, High Court, District Court or Subordinate Court.
Supreme Court of India
Under the constitution of India, the supreme court is the final court of appeal. Hence has the chief justice of India, including 30 judges and other judges for advisory jurisdiction. Unsolved or still in dispute cases are leveled up to Supreme court to reattain justice. If the supreme court declares a law it is binding on all other courts of all States and Union territory

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The school system in India has four levels: lower

EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA. The school system in India has four levels:
primary (age 6 to 10), upper primary (11 and 12), high (13 to 15) and higher secondary (17 and 18). The lower primary school is divided into five “standards”, upper primary school into two, high school into three and higher secondary into two. Students have to learn a common curriculum largely (except for regional changes in mother tongue) till the end of high school. There is some amount of specialization possible at the higher secondary level. Students throughout the country have to learn three languages (namely, English, Hindi and their mother tongue) except in regions where Hindi is the mother tongue 

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The transport system in India comprises a number of distinct modes

TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN INDIA The transport system in India comprises a number
and services, notably railways, roads, road transport, ports, inland water transport, coastal shipping, and pipelines and so on. The transportation system in our country has registered a great run and a solid growth over the years in terms of network spread and transport system output. Various dedicated ministries, authorities, directorates and departments including Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, National Highways Authority of India, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Civil Aviation are responsible for the establishment and execution of policies and programs for the development of system of transportation in the country. Traditional Transport System of India

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India has a diversified financial sector undergoing rapid expansion,

FINANCIAL SECTOR IN INDIA India has a diversified financial sector undergoing rapid
both in terms of strong growth of existing financial services firms and new entities entering the market. The sector comprises commercial banks, insurance companies, non-banking financial companies, co-operatives, pension funds, mutual funds and other smaller financial entities. The banking regulator has allowed new entities such as payment banks to be created recently, thereby adding to the type of entities operating in the sector. However, financial sector in India is predominantly a banking sector with commercial banks accounting for more than 64% of the total assets held by the financial system.
The Government of India has introduced several reforms to liberalise, regulate and enhance this industry. The Government and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have taken various measures to facilitate easy access to finance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). These measures include launching Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for MSMEs, issuing guideline to banks regarding collateral requirements and setting up a Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA). With a combined push by Government and private sector, India is undoubtedly one of the world's most vibrant capital markets.

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Information Technology in India is an industry consisting of

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA Information Technology in India is an industry consisting
two major components: IT services and business process outsourcing (BPO). The IT industry accounted for 8% of India's GDP in 2020. The IT and BPM industry's revenue is estimated at US$194 billion in FY 2021, an increase of 2.3% YoY.
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