
Слайд 2


Is your presentation
NB! Most audiences prefer
a relatively informal approach

INTRODUCTION Is your presentation FORMAL INFORMAL NB! Most audiences prefer a relatively informal approach

Слайд 3

Why do we use


Слайд 4

Signalling language (signposting)

helps to orientate the audience
provides clearer structure
signposts the route

Signalling language (signposting) helps to orientate the audience provides clearer structure signposts
through a presentation

Слайд 5

Opening a speech
First of all, let us consider
Let us begin with/by …

Opening a speech First of all, let us consider Let us begin
begin, …
I propose to consider first …
The first thing that must be said is/needs to be said that …
It would be useful to consider …
Let us first of all look at …
The first question that arises is …
The first point …

Слайд 6

Marking the stages
Next, …
Then …
The second/third … point …
The following/ next/second/third..

Marking the stages Next, … Then … The second/third … point …
The second/third factor

Слайд 7

Concluding a speech-1

To sum up …
To recap …
In the final analysis
All in

Concluding a speech-1 To sum up … To recap … In the
all …
What conclusions can be drawn from all this?
The conclusions which can be drawn from … are …

Слайд 8

Concluding a speech-2

The most sensible/satisfactory/convincing conclusion …
All this goes to show …

Concluding a speech-2 The most sensible/satisfactory/convincing conclusion … All this goes to
lesson to be learned from …
The final/inescapable conclusion …
It would appear, then
I have demonstrated/shown that…
To conclude, …
In conclusion, …

Слайд 9

do this clearly and effectively
use a few simple presentation verbs:

STATING YOUR PURPOSE do this clearly and effectively use a few simple
a look at…, report on…, give an overview of …

Слайд 10

Introducing the topic

The subject of this talk/presentation …
I’m going to talk about

Introducing the topic The subject of this talk/presentation … I’m going to

My topic today is …
I ‘d like to talk today about …

Слайд 11

SIGNPOSTING-useful verbs

to move on, to expand on
to digress, to go back
to recap,

SIGNPOSTING-useful verbs to move on, to expand on to digress, to go
to conclude
to turn to
to elaborate on
to summarise

Слайд 12

Outlining the structure
There 3 main points to consider … first I’ll talk

Outlining the structure There 3 main points to consider … first I’ll
about … then …and finally …
I am going to divide my talk into 3 sections…
I have divided the talk into three (four, etc.) sections…

Слайд 13

Presenting the talk’s organization
The first part of my talk will concern/ will

Presenting the talk’s organization The first part of my talk will concern/
deal with …
Firstly, I’d like to talk about…
To start with, I want to go over…

Слайд 14

Presenting the talk’s organization

Secondly, I’m going to look at…
Thirdly, I shall review…

Presenting the talk’s organization Secondly, I’m going to look at… Thirdly, I
Finally, I shall be talking about…

Слайд 15

Closing a point or selection or Changing the subject

Well, I think that’s

Closing a point or selection or Changing the subject Well, I think
all I want to say on …
I think that concludes what I have to say about …
Moving on now to …
Let me turn now to …
If we can now look at …

Слайд 16

Linking subjects in your talk /Referring back

As I said earlier, …
As I

Linking subjects in your talk /Referring back As I said earlier, …
mentioned earlier, …
As we saw earlier, …
I will be coming back to this later.
I will return to this point later.
Later, I will be talking about …

Слайд 17

Involving your audience
As you all know …
As I’m sure you are all

Involving your audience As you all know … As I’m sure you
aware (of) …

Слайд 18

Checking that your listeners understand

Are you with me so far?
Is that clear?

Checking that your listeners understand Are you with me so far? Is that clear?

Слайд 19

Giving examples

For example …
For instance …
Such as …
X can be shown/ illustrated/exemplified

Giving examples For example … For instance … Such as … X
by …

Слайд 20


The main explanation for this is …
A particular reason is …

Analysing The main explanation for this is … A particular reason is
key problem …
There are two reasons/explanations for this. First, … Second, …
This is/can be explained by two factors. First, … Second, …
This is due to … and also to …
One reason for this is … Another reason is …

Слайд 21

Giving your opinion
My (own) (personal) view (on this matter) is that …

Giving your opinion My (own) (personal) view (on this matter) is that
I think that …
The way I look at it is this: …
As far as I can see, …

Слайд 22

Signalling the end

So, we have looked at … and we’ve seen that…

Signalling the end Summarising So, we have looked at … and we’ve

To put it in a nutshell, …
To put it briefly,…
To summarise, I ‘d like to …

Слайд 23

Thanking the audience

I would like to thank you for your interest and

Thanking the audience I would like to thank you for your interest
Thank you (very much) for your attention.
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