- 2. Teenager journalism and the idea of creating an art magazine for children Alice Shitikova
- 3. Plans for my future career An idea of creating an art magazine for children: connection with
- 4. An art magazine for children Points to decide: Is it necessary? Would it be necessary? Periodity
- 5. The main purpose of creation a children magazine specializing in art is to join young readers
- 6. An art magazine for children Main features: understandable structure; understandable issues; colorful images, photos, pictures; easy
- 7. An art magazine for children To make reading entertaining: simple tests; puzzles; scanwords; quizzes; fields-to-color; etc.
- 8. An art magazine for children Bonus idea: a possible creation of a web-edition
- 9. My current occupation
- 10. My current occupation
- 11. My current occupation
- 12. My current occupation
- 13. My current occupation
- 14. My current occupation
- 15. My current occupation
- 16. How I stepped on the way of being an editor city newspaper (journalist); school newspaper (journalist);
- 18. «Высокое Напряжение» «High Voltage» the newspaper of school 525
- 22. How I stepped on the way of being an editor
- 23. How I stepped on the way of being an editor
- 24. How I stepped on the way of being an editor
- 25. How I stepped on the way of being an editor
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