Слайд 2


to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills on the topic “Meals”;

Objectives: to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills on the topic
develop students’ skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;
to teach students to express their own ideas in English;
to develop positive ways of thinking.

Слайд 3

Do you agree with the thoughts of the famous people?

Food is

Do you agree with the thoughts of the famous people? Food is
so essential a part of our lives, often the mere sharing of recipes with strangers turns them into good friends. That’s why I love this community.
Jasmine Heiler
Tell me what you eat, I’ll tell you who you are.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
All sorrows are less with bread.
Miguel de Servantes

Слайд 4

What’s your favourite food?

What’s your favourite food?

Слайд 5



Слайд 6

Find in the crossword 21 names of food products (every letter should

Find in the crossword 21 names of food products (every letter should be used):
be used):

Слайд 7

Fill in blanks with the correct words : eat, pay, restaurant, cheap,

Fill in blanks with the correct words : eat, pay, restaurant, cheap,
waiters, cups, food, plates.

FAST FOOD This is the fast food ________ . It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any _______. You order your food at the counter and _______ for it at the same time. You get your _______ in a bag or a box. There are no _______ . There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You _______ with your fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic _______ . There are no saucers. You eat meal. Then you throw all the boxes and cups away. It’s easy; it’s _______; it’s fast.

Слайд 8

Agree or disagree using the following phrases and explain your point of

Agree or disagree using the following phrases and explain your point of

People cannot live without food.
Animals can live without food.
Plants can live without water.
Cabbage is a fruit.
Vitamins aren’t important for people.
Children must eat a lot of sweets every day.
Vegetables and eggs make our bones and teeth strong.
Children must drink coffee.
To be healthy and strong people must eat the right food.

Слайд 9

What is it?

The outside is a shell,
The inside is meat,
It grows on

What is it? The outside is a shell, The inside is meat,
a tree,
And is good to eat.
Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not honey,
What is it? Do you know?
A vegetable known
In gardens grown,
Her clothes a mess
Won’t undress
She’ll make you cry
If you try.
It’s white and cold and sweet,
All children and adults like it.
This little red lady
Is hard to be found,
As only her green plait
Sticks out of the ground.
Lives in woods
And lives in fields,
A sombrero hat
His body shields.

Слайд 10

For this dish you need 400g potatoes, 125 g flour, some salt,

For this dish you need 400g potatoes, 125 g flour, some salt,
40 g grated cheese, 40 g butter. Put the sentences in the correct order to get the recipe.

Put the mashed potatoes, the flour, the butter into the bowl and mix them with a fork.
Mash the potatoes.
Make 12 potato cakes with the mixture.
Peel the potatoes and slice them.
Fry the potato cakes in a frying pan until they are brown on both sides.
Put the potatoes into a saucepan with some water and a bit of salt and boil them for 20 minutes.
Cover the cakes with the grated cheese. Put them in a dish and keep them warm in the oven.

Слайд 11

Complete the sentences:

When I am hungry I want to…
When I am thirsty

Complete the sentences: When I am hungry I want to… When I
I want to…
People cannot live without…
There are a lot of … in vegetables and fruit.
Plants cannot live without …
English people drink tea with …
In summer everybody likes to eat …
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