Слайд 2The museum of Taras Shevchenko is a museum and art gallery located

in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine
Слайд 4Here remain original drawings and paintings Shevchenko, handwritten lists of his most

popular poems of the poet, rare documents and photographs, a unique library of publications of XVIII-XXI centuries
Слайд 5Here is exhibited more than 30 000 exhibits
drawing, painting, archives, memorabilia,

photographs, printed materials,
sculpture, books.
Слайд 7The museum offers guided tours and lectures on the topic:
"Life and Works

of Taras Shevchenko",
"Poetry of Taras Shevchenko",
"Scripture" in the work of Shevchenko ",
" Taras Shevchenko - artist ",
" Taras Shevchenko - etcher ",
" Taras Shevchenko - portrait “
" Self-portrait Shevchenko, “
" Muse Shevchenko ",
" Landscapes of Taras Shevchenko. "