- 2. From the grammatical point of view most important is the division of nouns into countables and
- 3. 1) concrete and abstract nouns (іменники конкретні й абстрактні: ложка, парк – імовірність, кохання); 2) names
- 4. Material nouns are a peculiar group of uncountables, for example: air, iron, sugar, silver. Proper nouns
- 5. a notional part of speech possessing the meaning of “thingness” or “substantivity” (значення предметності) expressed in
- 6. 1. The lexico-grammatical meaning of “substantivity”. 2. Typical stem-building morphemes, as in: pacif-ist, work-er, friend-ship, manage-ment,
- 7. 1. The lexico-grammatical meanings are similar. 2. The variety of lexico-grammatical morphemes is much greater for
- 8. a) a Ukrainian case opposeme contains six (or seven if we take into account the vocative
- 9. c) the productive number and case morphemes are standard in English (-(e)s and ’s) and non-standard
- 10. 3.2. In both languages nouns can be divided into countables and uncountables, the latter into –
- 11. 3.4. In both languages the functions of different case grammemes are different. 4. Typical combinability of
- 12. Both languages have two numbers: the singular number and the plural number. The category of number
- 13. All number opposemes are identical in content: they contain two particular meanings of “singular” and “plural”
- 14. countables (злічувані іменники) uncountables (незлічувані іменники). The former have number opposites, the latter have not. Uncountable
- 15. collective nouns (збірні) – (cavalry, humanity, кіннота, людство); nouns determining the substance or the mass (які
- 16. Ukrainian дріжджі, гроші, канікули are used only in plural, English nouns yeast, money, vacation – only
- 17. include nouns of certain lexical meanings. They are mostly material, abstract and collective nouns, such as
- 18. nouns denoting objects consisting of two or more parts, complex phenomena or ceremonies, e.g. tongs, pincers
- 19. – abstract nouns (мудрість, щастя, журба); – collective nouns (начальство, лицарство, ганчір’я); – material nouns (сметана,
- 20. – names of objects which have a pair of parts in their structure (ножиці, сани, окуляри,
- 21. 1) The usage of the similar form of a singular and a plural number for such
- 22. 2) Different meanings of some nouns in the singular and the plural form, e.g.: advice –
- 23. Case is the grammatical form of a noun, which reveals its relation towards other words fulfilling
- 24. one of those categories which show the close connection (a) between language and speech, (b) between
- 25. the form in which the English noun can fulfill functions of almost all parts of a
- 26. has a very narrow sphere of usage: the noun in this case fulfills the function of
- 27. 1) possession, belonging (Peter’s bicycle); 2) personal or social relations (Peter’s wife); 3) authorship (Peter’s poem);
- 28. two main usages: a) the dependent possessive case, which always fulfills the function of the attribute
- 29. renders the meaning of belonging to something (the doctor's house), the meaning of size or of
- 30. has most frequently the meaning of place (at the chemist’s) and very seldom the meaning of
- 31. the ending of the possessive case serves not for one word but for a word combination,
- 32. the nominative case, the genitive case, the dative case, the accusative case, the instrumental case the
- 33. the direct case The term “direct” denotes the independence of the noun’s usage from its connection
- 34. – belonging to some person or thing (батько Миколи, властивість цементу); – objective relations (не дістав
- 35. denotes a person for whom or because of whom a certain action takes place (служіння народові,
- 36. the objective meaning (as a direct object with transitive verbs) (передплатити пресу, вимкнути світло). Used as
- 37. – objective (копати лопатою, міряти метром); – circumstantial (їхати дорогою, плисти морем); – denoting the accomplice
- 38. used with a preposition. The most important meanings are circumstantial (ходити по березі, говорити по щирості),
- 39. denotes the addressing to some person or personified object or any creature (мамо, брате, лисичко, кицю;
- 40. The first declension – includes nouns of the feminine gender with the nominative case singular ending
- 41. The third declension – includes all the nouns of the feminine gender with the hard or
- 42. In Ukrainian the masculine gender, the feminine gender the neuter gender. In modern English there is
- 43. In modern English there is no division of nouns according to the grammatical gender on the
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