Research in Medicine: Basic Types and Methods


Слайд 2

Medical Research and Study Design

The scientific value and informativeness of a medical

Medical Research and Study Design The scientific value and informativeness of a
study are determined to a major extent by the study design.
Errors in study design cannot be corrected afterwards. 

Слайд 3

5 phases of medical research


5 phases of medical research Planning Performance Documentation Analysis Publication

Слайд 4

The importance of study design

Planning study design:
a suitable type of study

The importance of study design Planning study design: a suitable type of
overall plan for all procedures
a bias to be minimized

Слайд 5

6 aspects of study design

the question to be answered,
the study population,

6 aspects of study design the question to be answered, the study

the type of study,
the unit of analysis,
the measuring technique
the calculation of sample size

Слайд 6

The question to be answered

research objectives = the key research question

The question to be answered research objectives = the key research question
operationalized converted into a measurable and evaluable form.
main questions vs secondary questions.
as a result open questions are answered and new hypotheses are possibly generated.

Слайд 7

Descriptive analysis

the units of analysis are to be described by
the recorded variables

Descriptive analysis the units of analysis are to be described by the
(e.g. blood parameters or diagnosis)

Слайд 8

Exploratory analysis

to recognize connections between variables,
to evaluate connections,
to formulate new hypotheses.

Exploratory analysis to recognize connections between variables, to evaluate connections, to formulate new hypotheses.

Слайд 9

Confirmatory analysis

to provide statistical proofs by testing specified
study hypotheses

Confirmatory analysis to provide statistical proofs by testing specified study hypotheses

Слайд 10

Unit of analysis

clinical study

systematic reviews

hereditary information,
a cell,
a cellular structure,

Unit of analysis clinical study systematic reviews patient hereditary information, a cell,

an organ, an organ system,
a single test individual (animal or man),
a specified subgroup or
the population of a region or of a country.

a single study
The interesting information or data (observations, variables, characteristics) are recorded for the statistical units. 

Слайд 11

Measuring technique

measuring instruments:
to record measuring data (such as blood pressure or laboratory

Measuring technique measuring instruments: to record measuring data (such as blood pressure
to collect data with standardized or self-designed questionnaires (for example, quality of life, depression, or satisfaction).

Слайд 13

Classification of study types

Primary Research

Secondary Research

actual studies

summarizes available studies in

Classification of study types Primary Research Secondary Research actual studies summarizes available
the form of reviews and meta-analyses

Слайд 14

Primary Research: Main Categories

basic medical research ( or experimental research)
clinical research

Primary Research: Main Categories basic medical research ( or experimental research) clinical research epidemiological research
epidemiological research

Слайд 15


also known as experimental research
Aim: to acquire new knowledge without

BASIC MEDICAL RESEARCH also known as experimental research Aim: to acquire new
looking for long-term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge
includes: animal experiments, cell studies, biochemical, genetic and physiological investigations, and studies on the properties of drugs and materials

Слайд 16


interventional (or experimental)
studies on drugs, medical
devices and
studies in which surgical,
physical or

CLINICAL RESEARCH interventional (or experimental) studies on drugs, medical devices and studies
are examined.
noninterventional (or observational) -
a study in which knowledge from the treatment of persons is analyzed using epidemiological methods. The diagnosis, treatment and monitoring are performed exclusively according to medical practice.

Слайд 17

Clinical Studies (Clinical Trials)

Aim: to determine better ways to prevent, screen for,

Clinical Studies (Clinical Trials) Aim: to determine better ways to prevent, screen
diagnose or treat diseases.
Controlled trial (a study group and a control group)
Randomization ( a randomized controlled trial)
Blinding ( single and double blind trial)

Слайд 18


the description of health and welfare in
populations through the collection

EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RESEARCH the description of health and welfare in populations through the
of data related
to health and the frequency, distribution and
determinants of disease in populations, with the
aim of improving health.

Слайд 19

Epidemiological: interventional or experimental

field studies

group studies

sample from an area, such as

Epidemiological: interventional or experimental field studies group studies sample from an area,
a large region or a country
e.g. investigation of the iodine supplementation of cooking salt to prevent cretinism in a region with iodine deficiency

sample from a specific group, such as a specific social or ethnic group.

Слайд 20

Epidemiological: observational

Case control studies
Cases are compared with controls. Cases are persons

Epidemiological: observational Case control studies Cases are compared with controls. Cases are
who fall ill from the disease in question. Controls are persons who are not ill, but are otherwise comparable to the cases. A retrospective analysis is performed to establish to what extent persons in the case and control groups were exposed. Possible exposure factors include smoking, nutrition and pollutant load.

Слайд 21

Epidemiological: observational

Cohort studies ( prospective and retrospective)
cohort studies involve the observation of

Epidemiological: observational Cohort studies ( prospective and retrospective) cohort studies involve the
two healthy groups of subjects over time. One group is exposed to a specific substance (for example, workers in a chemical factory) and the other is not exposed. It is recorded prospectively (into the future) how often a specific disease (such as lung cancer) occurs in the two groups.

Слайд 23

Common study types for epidemiological investigations

Study objective
Study of severe diseases

Common study types for epidemiological investigations Study objective Study of severe diseases
such as cancers
Study of rare exposure, such as exposure to industrial chemicals
Study of multiple exposures, such as the combined effect of oral contraceptives and smoking on myocardial infarction

Study type
Case control studies
Cohort studies in a population group (e.g. industrial workers
Case control studies
(Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2009 April; 106(15): 262–268. )

Слайд 24


http:// www.experiment-resources
Glossary of Clinical Trials Terms
Altman DG. Randomisation: potential for reducing

References http:// www.experiment-resources Glossary of Clinical Trials Terms Altman DG. Randomisation:
bias. BMJ. 1991;302:1481–1482. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
Study Design in Medical Research //Dtsch Arztebl Int. Mar 2009; 106(11): 184–189. Published online Mar 13, 2009. doi:  10.3238/arztebl.2009.0184
Types of Study in Medical Research// Dtsch Arztebl Int. Apr 2009; 106(15): 262–268.Published online Apr 10, 2009. doi:  10.3238/arztebl.2009.0262
Study designs in medical research
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