- 2. Semantics is the study of meanings dealing with the relationship between symbols (words, signs, etc.) and
- 3. Types of semantic complexity of word every word combines lexical, lexico-grammatical and grammatical meanings many words
- 4. § 1. What’s lexical word-meaning? Two approaches 1) F. de Saussure considers meaning to be the
- 5. 2) Bloomfield defines the meaning as the situation in which the word is uttered. The relative/functional
- 6. 1.1. Referential approach: the semantic triangle meaning name referent 1) in the scheme the word is
- 7. What is the relation of words to the world of things, events and relations outside of
- 8. Meaning vs. concept 1.Can have a particular individual referent 2. reveal the speaker's state of mind
- 9. 1.2. Functional approach: context is based on the assumption that difference in meaning of linguistic units
- 10. Types of contexts Lexical context determines the meaning of a word by lexical meanings of surrounding
- 11. Mixed context Late, when used predicatively, means 'after the right, expected fixed time‘: be late for
- 12. Types of motivation Motivation is the relationship between the phonemic or morphemic composition and structural pattern
- 13. § 2. Parts of lexical meaning The denotative meaning is essentially cognitive: it conceptualizes and classifies
- 14. Connotation and its types Connotation is the speaker's attitude to the social circumstances and the appropriate
- 15. stylistic connotation Is an association with the situation in which the word is uttered, the social
- 16. evaluative connotation expresses approval or disapproval. Ex. famous/well-known - notorious Magic=witchcraft=sorcery - art and power of
- 17. bias words involving ideological viewpoints Ex. the red, the black Associative (implicational) meaning is the implied
- 18. Practical task # 3 Which type of motivation (morphological, phonetical, semantic) do the words below possess?
- 19. 2. Define the types of connotation (emotional, expressive, evaluative, stylistic) characteristic to the highlighted words as
- 20. 3. Which approach (referential, functional) is realized in each type of presenting the word-meaning of the
- 21. 4. Identify the meanings of the word “cool” having no connotational components: somewhat cold, usually pleasantly
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