speaking_club_yesno (2)

Слайд 2

Danetka 1

A man and his wife raced through the streets.

Danetka 1 A man and his wife raced through the streets. They
They stopped, and the husband got out of the car. When he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in the car

Слайд 3

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Слайд 4

Danetka 1

The wife was about to have a baby. They

Danetka 1 Answer The wife was about to have a baby. They
drove to the hospital. The husband left to get a wheelchair, but the baby was born in the meantime, and the wife didn't survive the birth.

Слайд 5

Danetka 2

In the middle of the ocean is a yacht. Several corpses

Danetka 2 In the middle of the ocean is a yacht. Several
are floating in the water nearby.

Слайд 6

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Слайд 7

Danetka 2

A group of people were on an ocean voyage

Danetka 2 Answer A group of people were on an ocean voyage
in a yacht. One day, they decided to go swimming so they put on their swimsuits and dove off the side. They discovered belatedly that they have forgotten to put a ladder down the side of the yacht and were unable to climb back in, so they drowned

Слайд 8

Danetka 3

A man lies in bed trying to sleep. He picks up

Danetka 3 A man lies in bed trying to sleep. He picks
a phone and makes a call. Waits for a while and hangs up without getting an answer. And sleeps peacefully.

Слайд 9

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Слайд 10

Danetka 3

The man's neighbor was snoring and he decided to

Danetka 3 Answer The man's neighbor was snoring and he decided to
wake him up by calling the phone. As soon as the snoring stopped, the man hung up and fell asleep.

Слайд 11

Danetka 4

Every day he paints his lips with green lipstick. But almost

Danetka 4 Every day he paints his lips with green lipstick. But
no one notices this

Слайд 12

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Слайд 13

Danetka 4

In the 20th century, when television was still black

Danetka 4 Answer In the 20th century, when television was still black
and white, cameras used red filters that absorbed the red color in the image, so red lipstick did not set off the lips. Therefore, the announcers on television, when putting on makeup, for expressiveness, had to paint their lips with green lipstick

Слайд 14

Danetka 5

The German police are completely confused. For 15 years now, the

Danetka 5 The German police are completely confused. For 15 years now,
same person has been committing thefts, murders and thefts. By 2008, they had spent 14,000 working hours and more than 15 million euros to find the perpetrator, but they never found him. How is it possible?

Слайд 15

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Слайд 16

Danetka 5

The main suspect was a woman whose DNA was found

Danetka 5 Answer The main suspect was a woman whose DNA was
at every site. But it was not possible to find her.
These cases took place throughout Germany, and sometimes beyond its borders - in France and Austria.
In 2009, the police finally found a 71-year-old Polish woman who worked for many years as a packer of cotton swabs in a Bavarian factory. The factory produced many DNA test sticks which were used in police investigations.

Слайд 17

Danetka 6

George was late for math class and misunderstood the teacher. Because

Danetka 6 George was late for math class and misunderstood the teacher.
of this, he received an award and recognition! What happened?

Слайд 18

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Имя файла: speaking_club_yesno-(2).pptx
Количество просмотров: 32
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