The Design of the tax system


Слайд 2

“In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” . .

“In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” . .
. Benjamin Franklin

Taxes paid in Ben Franklin’s time accounted for 5 percent of the average American’s income.


Слайд 3

“In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” . .

“In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” . .
. Benjamin Franklin


Today, taxes account for up to a third of the average American’s income.

Слайд 4

Figure 1 Government Revenue as a Percentage of GDP

Copyright © 2004 South-Western










Figure 1 Government Revenue as a Percentage of GDP Copyright © 2004

Percent of














Слайд 5

Table 1 Central Government Tax Revenue as a Percent of GDP

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 1 Central Government Tax Revenue as a Percent of GDP Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 7

The Federal Government

The U.S. federal government collects about two-thirds of the

The Federal Government The U.S. federal government collects about two-thirds of the taxes in our economy.
taxes in our economy.

Слайд 8

The Federal Government

The largest source of revenue for the federal government

The Federal Government The largest source of revenue for the federal government
is the individual income tax.

Слайд 9

The Federal Government

Individual Income Taxes
The marginal tax rate is the tax

The Federal Government Individual Income Taxes The marginal tax rate is the
rate applied to each additional dollar of income.
Higher-income families pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes.

Слайд 10

The Federal Government

The Federal Government and Taxes
Payroll Taxes: tax on

The Federal Government The Federal Government and Taxes Payroll Taxes: tax on
the wages that a firm pays its workers.
Social Insurance Taxes: taxes on wages that is earmarked to pay for Social Security and Medicare.
Excise Taxes: taxes on specific goods like gasoline, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages.

Слайд 11

Table 2 Receipts of the Federal Government: 2001

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 2 Receipts of the Federal Government: 2001 Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 12

Receipts of the Federal Government...

Receipts of the Federal Government...

Слайд 13

The Federal Government

Federal Government Spending
Government spending includes transfer payments and the

The Federal Government Federal Government Spending Government spending includes transfer payments and
purchase of public goods and services.
Transfer payments are government payments not made in exchange for a good or a service.
Transfer payments are the largest of the government’s expenditures.

Слайд 14

The Federal Government

Federal Government Spending
Expense Category:
Social Security
National Defense
Income Security
Net Interest

The Federal Government Federal Government Spending Expense Category: Social Security National Defense

Слайд 15

The Federal Government

Budget Surplus
A budget surplus is an excess of government receipts

The Federal Government Budget Surplus A budget surplus is an excess of
over government spending.
Budget Deficit
A budget deficit is an excess of government spending over government receipts.

Слайд 16

Table 4 Spending of the Federal Government: 2001

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 4 Spending of the Federal Government: 2001 Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 17

Federal Government Spending: 2001

Federal Government Spending: 2001

Слайд 18

The Federal Government

Financial Conditions of the Federal Budget
A budget deficit occurs when

The Federal Government Financial Conditions of the Federal Budget A budget deficit
there is an excess of government spending over government receipts.
Government finances the deficit by borrowing from the public.
A budget surplus occurs when government receipts are greater than government spending.
A budget surplus may be used to reduce the government’s outstanding debts.

Слайд 19

State and Local Governments

State and local governments collect about 40 percent of

State and Local Governments State and local governments collect about 40 percent of taxes paid.
taxes paid.

Слайд 20

State and Local Government

Sales Taxes
Property Taxes
Individual Income Taxes
Corporate Income Taxes
Federal government



State and Local Government Receipts Sales Taxes Property Taxes Individual Income Taxes

Слайд 21

Table 5 Receipts of State and Local Governments: 1999

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 5 Receipts of State and Local Governments: 1999 Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 22

State and Local Government

Public Welfare

State and Local Government Spending Education Public Welfare Highways Other

Слайд 23

Table 6 Spending of State and Local Governments: 1999

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 6 Spending of State and Local Governments: 1999 Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 24


Policymakers have two objectives in designing a tax system...

TAXES AND EFFICIENCY Policymakers have two objectives in designing a tax system... Efficiency Equity

Слайд 25


One tax system is more efficient than another if it

TAXES AND EFFICIENCY One tax system is more efficient than another if
raises the same amount of revenue at a smaller cost to taxpayers.
An efficient tax system is one that imposes small deadweight losses and small administrative burdens.

Слайд 26


The Cost of Taxes to Taxpayers
The tax payment itself

TAXES AND EFFICIENCY The Cost of Taxes to Taxpayers The tax payment
Administrative burdens

Слайд 27

Deadweight Losses

Because taxes distort incentives, they entail deadweight losses.
The deadweight loss of

Deadweight Losses Because taxes distort incentives, they entail deadweight losses. The deadweight
a tax is the reduction of the economic well-being of taxpayers in excess of the amount of revenue raised by the government.

Слайд 28

Administrative Burdens

Complying with tax laws creates additional deadweight losses.
Taxpayers lose additional

Administrative Burdens Complying with tax laws creates additional deadweight losses. Taxpayers lose
time and money documenting, computing, and avoiding taxes over and above the actual taxes they pay.
The administrative burden of any tax system is part of the inefficiency it creates.

Слайд 29

Marginal Tax Rates versus Average Tax Rates

The average tax rate is total

Marginal Tax Rates versus Average Tax Rates The average tax rate is
taxes paid divided by total income.
The marginal tax rate is the extra taxes paid on an additional dollar of income.

Слайд 30

Lump-Sum Taxes

A lump-sum tax is a tax that is the same amount

Lump-Sum Taxes A lump-sum tax is a tax that is the same
for every person, regardless of earnings or any actions that the person might take.
(аккордный налог)

Слайд 31


How should the burden of taxes be divided among the

TAXES AND EQUITY How should the burden of taxes be divided among
How do we evaluate whether a tax system is fair?

Слайд 33


Principles of Taxation
Benefits principle
Ability-to-pay principle


TAXES AND EQUITY Principles of Taxation Benefits principle Ability-to-pay principle $

Слайд 34

Benefits Principle

The benefits principle is the idea that people should pay taxes

Benefits Principle The benefits principle is the idea that people should pay
based on the benefits they receive from government services.
An example is a gasoline tax:
Tax revenues from a gasoline tax are used to finance our highway system.
People who drive the most also pay the most toward maintaining roads.

Слайд 35

Ability-to-Pay Principle

The ability-to-pay principle is the idea that taxes should be levied

Ability-to-Pay Principle The ability-to-pay principle is the idea that taxes should be
on a person according to how well that person can shoulder the burden.
The ability-to-pay principle leads to two corollary notions of equity.
Vertical equity
Horizontal equity

Слайд 36

Ability-to-Pay Principle

Vertical equity is the idea that taxpayers with a greater ability

Ability-to-Pay Principle Vertical equity is the idea that taxpayers with a greater
to pay taxes should pay larger amounts.
For example, people with higher incomes should pay more than people with lower incomes.

Слайд 37

Ability-to-Pay Principle

Vertical Equity and Alternative Tax Systems
A proportional tax is one

Ability-to-Pay Principle Vertical Equity and Alternative Tax Systems A proportional tax is
for which high-income and low-income taxpayers pay the same fraction of income.
A regressive tax is one for which high-income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayers.
A progressive tax is one for which high-income taxpayers pay a larger fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayers.

Слайд 38

Ability-to-Pay Principle

Horizontal Equity
Horizontal equity is the idea that taxpayers with similar

Ability-to-Pay Principle Horizontal Equity Horizontal equity is the idea that taxpayers with
abilities to pay taxes should pay the same amounts.
For example, two families with the same number of dependents and the same income living in different parts of the country should pay the same federal taxes.

Слайд 39

Table 7 Three Tax Systems

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 7 Three Tax Systems Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 40

Table 8 The Burden of Federal Taxes

Copyright©2004 South-Western

Table 8 The Burden of Federal Taxes Copyright©2004 South-Western

Слайд 42

Федеральные налоги и сборы:
Налог на добавленную стоимость 18
Налог на доходы физических лиц

Федеральные налоги и сборы: Налог на добавленную стоимость 18 Акцизы Налог на
 Соц. страховые взносы 22+2.9+5.1
Налог на прибыль организаций 20
Налог на добычу полезных ископаемых
Водный налог
Сборы за пользование объектами животного мира и за пользование объектами водных биологических ресурсов
Государственная пошлина

Слайд 43

Региональные налоги:
Налог на имущество организаций
Налог на игорный бизнес
Транспортный налог
Местные налоги:
Земельный налог
Налог на

Региональные налоги: Налог на имущество организаций Налог на игорный бизнес Транспортный налог
имущество физических лиц
Специальные налоговые режимы:
Единый сельскохозяйственный налог — ЕСХН
Упрощенная система налогообложения
Единый налог на вменённый доход 
Система налогообложения при выполнении соглашений о разделе продукции

Слайд 44

CASE STUDY: Horizontal Equity and the Marriage Tax

Marriage affects the tax liability

CASE STUDY: Horizontal Equity and the Marriage Tax Marriage affects the tax
of a couple in that tax law treats a married couple as a single taxpayer.
When a couple gets married, they stop paying taxes as individuals and start paying taxes as a family.
If each has a similar income, their total tax liability rises when they get married.

Слайд 45

Tax Incidence and Tax Equity

The difficulty in formulating tax policy is balancing

Tax Incidence and Tax Equity The difficulty in formulating tax policy is
the often conflicting goals of efficiency and equity.
The study of who bears the burden of taxes is central to evaluating tax equity.
This study is called tax incidence.

Слайд 46

Tax Incidence and Tax Equity

Flypaper Theory of Tax Incidence
According to the

Tax Incidence and Tax Equity Flypaper Theory of Tax Incidence According to
flypaper theory, the burden of a tax, like a fly on flypaper, sticks wherever it first lands.
(this is wrong, of course)

Слайд 47


The U.S. government raises revenue using various taxes.
Income taxes and payroll taxes

Summary The U.S. government raises revenue using various taxes. Income taxes and
raise the most revenue for the federal government.
Sales taxes and property taxes raise the most revenue for the state and local governments.

Слайд 48


Equity and efficiency are the two most important goals of the tax

Summary Equity and efficiency are the two most important goals of the
The efficiency of a tax system refers to the costs it imposes on the taxpayers.
The equity of a tax system concerns whether the tax burden is distributed fairly among the population.

Слайд 49


According to the benefits principle, it is fair for people to pay

Summary According to the benefits principle, it is fair for people to
taxes based on the benefits they receive from the government.
According to the ability-to-pay principle, it is fair for people to pay taxes on their capability to handle the financial burden.
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