Training screw compressors


Слайд 2


Service Department (ESS)


* 2940 U/min (rpm)

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) overview * 2940 U/min (rpm)

Слайд 3


Service Department (ESS)

Designation code

Bezeichnung / Designation code

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Designation code Bezeichnung / Designation code

Слайд 4


Service Department (ESS)

Compression principle

Verdichtungsprinzip / Compression principle

Ansicht von oben /upper view -

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Compression principle Verdichtungsprinzip / Compression principle Ansicht von

Ansicht von unten /view from the bottom - COMPRESSION PROCESS

Слайд 5


Service Department (ESS)


Vi-Diagramm / Vi-diagram

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Vi-Diagram Vi-Diagramm / Vi-diagram

Слайд 6


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE - Compressor

Verdichter / Compressor - LARGE

Vi: variable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE - Compressor Verdichter / Compressor - LARGE Vi: variable

Слайд 7


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – Drawing (top)

Verdichter / Compressor LARGE

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – Drawing (top) Verdichter / Compressor LARGE

Слайд 8


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – Drawing (side)

Verdichter / Compressor LARGE

Vi: variable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – Drawing (side) Verdichter / Compressor LARGE Vi: variable

Слайд 9


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – Drawing (capacity control)

Verdichter / Compressor LARGE

Vi: fixed

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – Drawing (capacity control) Verdichter / Compressor LARGE Vi: fixed

Слайд 10


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – oil connections

Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections LARGE

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – oil connections Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections LARGE

Слайд 11


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – oil connections

Verdichteranschlüsse / Ports - LARGE

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – oil connections Verdichteranschlüsse / Ports - LARGE

Слайд 12


Service Department (ESS)

Verdichter / Compressor LARGE (W,Z - XF)

Position MV-Block / Solenoid

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Verdichter / Compressor LARGE (W,Z - XF) Position MV-Block / Solenoid block

Слайд 13


Service Department (ESS)

Verdichter / Compressor LARGE (W,Z - XF)

Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Verdichter / Compressor LARGE (W,Z - XF) Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections

Слайд 14


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE - Casing

Rotor casing

Discharge casing

Vi: fixed

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE - Casing Rotorgehäuse Rotor casing Druckgehäuse Discharge casing Vi: fixed

Слайд 15


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – overview connections

Anschlüsse / Connections - Series LARGE

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – overview connections Anschlüsse / Connections - Series LARGE

Слайд 16


Service Department (ESS)

LARGE – Listing connections

Anschlüsse / Connections - Series LARGE

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) LARGE – Listing connections Anschlüsse / Connections - Series LARGE

Слайд 17


Service Department (ESS)

Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE

Regelung – Tandem Schiebersystem
Control – tandem

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE Regelung – Tandem
slide system

Слайд 18


Service Department (ESS)

Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE

Leistungsregelung: 0%
Capacity: 0%

Solenoid valves

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE Leistungsregelung: 0% Capacity:
Y2, Y3, Y5 constantly
Capacity indication: 0%

Magnetventile Y2, Y3, Y5 mit
Dauersignal angesteuert
Leistungsanzeige: 0%

Startbedingung /Start Condition (INCREASE CAPACITY)

Слайд 19


Service Department (ESS)

1. Solenoid valves Y1, Y4 pulsed energized
(primary slide is

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) 1. Solenoid valves Y1, Y4 pulsed energized (primary
2. Solenoid valve Y5 constantly energized
(Vi-slide not controlled)
Capacity indication: primary slide position

Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE

Leistungsregelung: 0% -X%
Capacity: 0% - X%


1. Magnetventile Y1, Y4 gepulst angesteuert
(Ansteuerung von Primärschieber)
2. Magnetventile Y5 mit Dauersignal angesteuert
(Vi-Schlitten nicht angesteuert)
Leistungsanzeige: Pos. von Primärschieber

with X% = 73%- 100%
Depends on:
Vi (Po,Pk,refrigerant)
Compressor model

Слайд 20


Service Department (ESS)

Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE End of MODE

1. Magnetventile Y1, Y4 gepulst angesteuert
(Ansteuerung von Primärschieber)
2. Magnetventile Y5 mit Dauersignal angesteuert
(Vi-Schlitten nicht angesteuert)
Leistungsanzeige: Pos. von Primärschieber

1. Solenoid valves Y1, Y4 pulsed energized
(primary slide is controlled)
2. Solenoid valve Y5 constantly energized
(Vi-slide not controlled)
Capacity indication: primary slide position

Leistungsregelung = X%
Capacity = X%

Vi (Po,Pk,refr.)= opt.
X% > S(Gr)

Слайд 21


Service Department (ESS)

Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE



09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE MODE 2 (INCREASE
X% - 100%
Capacity: X% - 100%

1. Magnetventile Y6 gepulst angesteuert
(Vi-Schlitten angesteuert)
2. Stellung Primärschieber wird gemäß Betriebs-
bedingungen nachgeregelt
(Y1, Y4 oder Y2,Y3 gepulst angesteuert)
(Position von Primärschieber + 100%) / 2

1. Solenoid valve Y6 pulsed energized
(Vi-slide controlled)
2. primary slide is readjusted according to
operating values
(Y1, Y4 or Y2, Y3 pulsed energized)
Capacity indication:
(primary slide position + 100%) / 2

Слайд 22


Service Department (ESS)

Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE


1. Magnetventile Y6 mit

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Vi-Regelung LARGE / Vi-Control LARGE MODE 3: 1.
Dauersignal angesteuert
(Vi-Schlitten angesteuert)
2. Stellung Primärschieber wird nachgeregelt
(Y1, Y4 oder Y2, Y3 gepulst angesteuert)
Leistungsanzeige: 100%

1. Solenoid valve Y6 constantly energized
(Vi-slide controlled)
2. primary slide is readjusted according to
operating values
(Y1, Y4 or Y2,Y3 pulsed energized)
Capacity indication: 100%

Leistungsregelung: 100%
Capacity: 100%

Слайд 23


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM Compressor

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Vi: variable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM Compressor Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM Vi: variable

Слайд 24


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM Compressor

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Vi: variable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM Compressor Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM Vi: variable

Слайд 25


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM - ports for internal oil circuit

interner Ölkreislauf / Internal

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM - ports for internal oil circuit interner
oil circuit

Vi: variable

Слайд 26


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – drawing (top)

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – drawing (top) Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Слайд 27


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – drawing (side)

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Vi: fixed

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – drawing (side) Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM Vi: fixed

Слайд 28


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – Drawing (capacity control)

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – Drawing (capacity control) Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Слайд 29


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – Drawing (solenoid valve block)

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – Drawing (solenoid valve block) Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Слайд 30


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM - internal oil circuit

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM - internal oil circuit Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Слайд 31


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – Hydraulic chambers

Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – Hydraulic chambers Verdichter / Compressor MEDIUM

Слайд 32


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – oil management: MM11

Ölversorgungssystem mit integrierter Ölpumpe
Oil management with

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – oil management: MM11 Ölversorgungssystem mit integrierter
integrated oil pump

MM 11

Слайд 33


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – oil management: MM12

Ölversorgungssystem mit externer Ölpumpe
Oil management with

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – oil management: MM12 Ölversorgungssystem mit externer
external oil pump


Слайд 34


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – Listing connections



09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – Listing connections

Слайд 35


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM: Verdichteranschlüsse / Ports

MEDIUM - ports

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM: Verdichteranschlüsse / Ports MEDIUM - ports

Слайд 36


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – oil connection ports

MEDIUM - Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – oil connection ports MEDIUM - Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections

Слайд 37


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – connection ports

MEDIUM - Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – connection ports MEDIUM - Verdichteranschlüsse / Oil connections

Слайд 38


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – damped Check valve

Einführung / Introduction: 05/2000

Check Valve -

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – damped Check valve Einführung / Introduction:
damping device non-adjustable
Rückschlagventil – nicht einstellbare Dämpfungseinrichtung

Слайд 39


Service Department (ESS)

MEDIUM – damped Check valve

Check Valve - damping device adjustable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MEDIUM – damped Check valve Check Valve -
– einstellbare Dämpfungseinrichtung

Einführung / Introduction: 03/2002

Слайд 40


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL Compressor

Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

Vi: variable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL Compressor Verdichter / Compressor SMALL Vi: variable

Слайд 41


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – main components I

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – main components I

Слайд 42


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – main components II

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – main components II

Слайд 43


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – drawing (top)

Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – drawing (top) Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

Слайд 44


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – drawing (side)

Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

Vi: variable

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – drawing (side) Verdichter / Compressor SMALL Vi: variable

Слайд 45


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – drawing (front)

Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – drawing (front) Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

Слайд 46


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – drawing (oil pump)

Verdichter SMALL
Compressor SMALL

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – drawing (oil pump) Verdichter SMALL Compressor SMALL

Слайд 47


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – ports & connectors

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – ports & connectors

Слайд 48


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – Listing ports

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – Listing ports

Слайд 49


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL - internal oil circuit

Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL - internal oil circuit Verdichter / Compressor SMALL

Слайд 50


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – oil management: SM11

Ölversorgungssystem mit integrierter Ölpumpe/
Oil management with

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – oil management: SM11 Ölversorgungssystem mit integrierter
integrated oil pump


Слайд 51


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – oil management: SM12

Ölversorgungssystem mit externer Ölpumpe
Oil management with

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – oil management: SM12 Ölversorgungssystem mit externer
external oil pump


Слайд 52


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – oil filter

Alte Ausführung: bis ~ 01/1999
Old design: till

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – oil filter Alte Ausführung: bis ~

Слайд 53


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – oil management block 1 & 2

Oil management block

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – oil management block 1 & 2

Oil management block 2

for mono packs

for Duo-packs

Слайд 54


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – oil managements

SD12-R1 (Duo-Pack)

SM12 (Mono Pack)

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – oil managements SD12-R1 (Duo-Pack) SM12 (Mono Pack)

Слайд 55


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – Picture I

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – Picture I

Слайд 56


Service Department (ESS)

SMALL – Picture II

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) SMALL – Picture II

Слайд 57


Service Department (ESS)

Positionsanzeige / Positioning indication

Funktionsschema der Positionsanzeige
Functional scheme of positioning indication

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Positionsanzeige / Positioning indication Funktionsschema der Positionsanzeige Functional scheme of positioning indication

Слайд 58


Service Department (ESS)

Standard Positionsanzeige / Standard Positioning indication

HDT am Sauggehäuse / positioning

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Standard Positionsanzeige / Standard Positioning indication HDT am
sensor at suction end

Слайд 59


Service Department (ESS)

XB, XC, XD: Positionsanzeige / Standard Positioning indication


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) XB, XC, XD: Positionsanzeige / Standard Positioning indication
Function scheme for positioning sensor

HDT am Rotorgehäuse
positioning sensor at rotor casing

Слайд 60


Service Department (ESS)

Wegsensor (HDT) / positioning indicator

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Wegsensor (HDT) / positioning indicator

Слайд 61


Service Department (ESS)

Einstellung HDT / Adjustment positioning sensor

1.    Bring the control slide

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Einstellung HDT / Adjustment positioning sensor Calibrating: 1.
(113) to the MIN-position (pull it along the threaded rod towards the discharge side as far as the limit stop). With the slide in its MIN-position, use the adjustment controller "O" to set the value of 4+0,2 mA.
2.     Bring the control slide to the MAX-position (push it towards the suction side as far as the limit stop by means of the threaded rod). With the slide in its MAX-positon, use the adjustment controller "V" to correct the midpoint between the actual value and the setpoint as accurately as possible (see figure 11.2).
3.     With the slide in its MAX-position, use the adjustment controller "O" to set the output end value of 20+0,5 mA.

1.     Regelschieber (113) in MIN-Stellung bringen (an der Gewindestange in Richtung Druckseite bis zum Anschlag ziehen). In MIN-Position des Schiebers am Einstellregler "O" 4+0,2 mA einstellen.
2.     Regelschieber in MAX-Stellung bringen (mit der Gewindestange in Richtung Saugseite bis zum Anschlag schieben).
In MAX-Position des Schiebers am Einstellregler "V" möglichst genau auf den Mittelwert zwischen Ist- und Sollwert korrigieren (siehe Abb. Justierung des Wegsensors).
3.     In MAX-Position des Schiebers am Einstellregler "O" den Ausgangsendwert 20+0,5mA einstellen.

Слайд 62


Service Department (ESS)

Magnetventilblock / solenoid valve block

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Magnetventilblock / solenoid valve block

Слайд 63


Service Department (ESS)

Magnetventilblock / solenoid valve block

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Magnetventilblock / solenoid valve block

Слайд 64


Service Department (ESS)

Magnetventilblock / solenoid valve block

Steuerung/ Control
to MAX:
Y1, Y4 - auf/open

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Magnetventilblock / solenoid valve block Steuerung/ Control to
Y3 - zu/closed
to MIN:
Y1, Y4 - zu/closed
Y2, Y3 - auf/open

Слайд 65


Service Department (ESS)

MVBL intern / solenoid valve block – internal piping

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MVBL intern / solenoid valve block – internal piping

Слайд 66


Service Department (ESS)

MVBL – Anschlüsse

Solenoid valve block - Ports
Magnetventilblock – Anschlüsse

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MVBL – Anschlüsse Solenoid valve block - Ports Magnetventilblock – Anschlüsse

Слайд 67


Service Department (ESS)

MVBL – Anschlüsse

Solenoid valve block - Ports
Magnetventilblock – Anschlüsse

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) MVBL – Anschlüsse Solenoid valve block - Ports Magnetventilblock – Anschlüsse

Слайд 68


Service Department (ESS)

Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor

Austausch Gleitringdichtung
Exchange shaft seal


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor Austausch Gleitringdichtung Exchange
Dismantling balance piston

Слайд 69


Service Department (ESS)

Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor

Demontage Wegsensorsystem
Dismantling position indication system

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor Demontage Wegsensorsystem Dismantling position indication system

Слайд 70


Service Department (ESS)

Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor

Demontage Leistungsverstellung
Dismantling capacity control system

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor Demontage Leistungsverstellung Dismantling capacity control system

Слайд 71


Service Department (ESS)

Axial play

Einstellung Stirnspalt / Messung Axialspiel
Face gap adjustment / Measurement

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Axial play Einstellung Stirnspalt / Messung Axialspiel Face
axial play

Слайд 72


Service Department (ESS)

Stirnspalteinstellung / Face gap adjustment

Werkseinstellung: MIN 0,04mm – MAX

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Stirnspalteinstellung / Face gap adjustment Werkseinstellung: MIN 0,04mm
0,1mm (baureihenabhängig)
Adjusted Value: Min 0.04mm - Max 0.1mm (model dependent)

Stirnspalt – bei Herstellung
Face gap – at Factory first build up


Housing / Gehäuse

Discharge side

Face gap

Слайд 73


Service Department (ESS)

Stirnspalteinstellung / Face gap adjustment

Stirnspalteinstellung – bei Herstellung
Face gap

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Stirnspalteinstellung / Face gap adjustment Stirnspalteinstellung – bei
adjustment – at Factory first build up

Stirnspaltvergrößerung – Einschleifen des äußeren Distanzrings
face gap increases if the outer ring is ground down

Слайд 74


Service Department (ESS)

Stirnspalteinstellung / Face gap adjustment

Stirnspalteinstellung – bei Herstellung
Face gap

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Stirnspalteinstellung / Face gap adjustment Stirnspalteinstellung – bei
adjustment – at Factory first build up

Stirnspaltverkleinerung – Einschleifen des inneren Distanzrings
face gap decreases if the inner ring is ground down


Housing / Gehäuse

Discharge side

Face gap

Слайд 75


Service Department (ESS)

Standard face gap measurement

Vorbereitung zur Stirnspaltmessung
Preparation for face gap measurement


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Standard face gap measurement Vorbereitung zur Stirnspaltmessung Preparation
Remove coupling guard
Loosen coupling seat
Loosen tension spring
Remove cover plates, plate springs,
Remove thrust piece(discharge side)
Install gauge

Verdichter drucklos machen
Abbau Kupplungschutz
Lockern Kupplungsitz
Zugfeder lösen
Abbau druckseitiger Abschlußflansch
Druckstück herausnehmen
Meßuhr installieren

Слайд 76


Service Department (ESS)

Standard Stirnspaltmessung/ Standard face gap measurement

Rotor forced to
Discharge side


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Standard Stirnspaltmessung/ Standard face gap measurement Rotor forced
= 0 / Meßuhr auf 0 setzen
Measured value = 0 / Reset gauge to continue

Meßposition (Druckseite)
End position (discharge side)


Housing / Gehäuse

Discharge side

Measured value = 0

Слайд 77


Service Department (ESS)

Standard Stirnspaltmessung/ Standard face gap measurement

Rotor forced to
suction side


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Standard Stirnspaltmessung/ Standard face gap measurement Rotor forced
Axialversatz = Stirnspalt + Axialspiel (Spiel des inneren Lagers)
Measured value: Axial displacement = Face gap + axial play (clearance of loaded inner bearing)

Meßposition (Saugseite)
End position (suction side)

Слайд 78


Service Department (ESS)

Grenwerte / Limit values for Grasso screw compressors

Type of the

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Grenwerte / Limit values for Grasso screw compressors
compressor Face gap (mm) * Axial play (mm)
C, D, E, G 0,04 - 0,07 0,15
H, L 0,04 - 0,07** 0.15
M, N 0,05 - 0.08 0,15
P 0,07 - 0,10 0,2
R, S 0,07 - 0,10 0,2
V,W, Y 0,07 - 0,10 0,25
Z, Xa, Xb, Xc, Xd 0,07 - 0,10 0,3

Maximal zulässige Axialspiele / Maximum permissible axial plays

Die Axiallager sind zu ersetzen, wenn die unten angegebenen Axialspiele überschritten werden oder:
die Lager einen unnormalen Geräuschpegel aufweisen
Unnormales Laufbild (z.B.Vibrationen) auftritt
Optische Mängel am Lager (z.B Käfigverschleiß) festzustellen ist
The axial bearings have to be exchanged if the axial play is greater than the mentioned limit or:
if they are making strange noise
Unnormal operating characteristics (e.g. vibrations)
Optical defect are recognizable

*adjusted at newly built compressor in the Grasso company/ Einstellung bei Verdichterneubau
** Before 2003 - Face gap (H,L-compressors): 0.05 – 0.08mm

Слайд 79


Service Department (ESS)

Stirnspaltmessung – neue Methode / NEW face gap measurement

1. Meßposition

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Stirnspaltmessung – neue Methode / NEW face gap
1st end position (suction side)

Слайд 80


Service Department (ESS)

Stirnspaltmessung – neue Methode / NEW face gap measurement

2. Meßposition

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Stirnspaltmessung – neue Methode / NEW face gap
2nd end position (discharge side)

1. Meßwert (Druckseite) – 2. Meßwert (Saugseite) = Axialspiel
1nd Value (discharge) – 2st Value (suction) = Axial play

Слайд 81


Service Department (ESS)

Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor

Ausbau Axiallager I
Exchange of angular ball

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor Ausbau Axiallager I
bearings I

Слайд 82


Service Department (ESS)

Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor

Ausbau Axiallager II
Exchange of angular ball

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Reparatur Verdichter / repair compressor Ausbau Axiallager II
bearings II

Слайд 83


Service Department (ESS)

Anzugsmomente Axiallager / Tightening torgue axial bearings

Type of the compressor Male

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Anzugsmomente Axiallager / Tightening torgue axial bearings Type
Rotor Female Rotor
C, D, E, G 150Nm 150Nm
H, L, M, N 400Nm 400Nm
P 400Nm 400Nm
R, S 500Nm 400Nm
V,W, Y 500Nm 500Nm
Z, XA 600Nm 500Nm
XB, XC, XD 900Nm 700Nm

Anzugmoment - Nutmuttern Axiallager
Tightening torque – grooved nut of axial bearing

*auch im Bedienungshandbuch nachzuschlagen
*see also user manual

Слайд 84


Service Department (ESS)

Gleitringdichtung / shaft seal

Art der eingebauten GLRD ist Kompressortypabhängig
Type of

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Gleitringdichtung / shaft seal Art der eingebauten GLRD
installed shaft seal is compressor type dependend

Typen - Gleitringdichtung
Type of shaft seals


*Vor Einbau bitte Madenschraube entfernen
Before assembling grub screw has to be removed

Слайд 85


Service Department (ESS)

Gleitringdichtung / shaft seal

Type of the compressor oil leakage rate
C, D,

09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Gleitringdichtung / shaft seal Type of the compressor
E, G ~0,5ml/h ~1..2 drops/ min
H, L, M, N ~1,0ml/h ~2...3 drops/ min
P, R, S ~3,5ml/h ~9...10 drops/ min
V,W, Y, Z, XA ~9,0ml/h ~20…22 drops/ min
XB, XC, XD ~10,0ml/h

Tolerierte Leckraten von GLRD
Tolerated Leakage rates of shaft seals

Слайд 86


Service Department (ESS)

Rückholfeder / tension spring

Rückholfeder / Tension spring (SMALL & MEDIUM)


09/12/2023 Service Department (ESS) Rückholfeder / tension spring Rückholfeder / Tension spring
Ausführung / Old design
till: 08/1999

Neue Ausführung / New design
from: 09/1999

Имя файла: Training-screw-compressors.pptx
Количество просмотров: 39
Количество скачиваний: 0