- 2. ADMITTANCE PARAMETERS The admittance parameters describe the currents in terms of the voltages The first subindex
- 3. LEARNING EXAMPLE Find the admittance parameters for the network Next we show one use of this
- 4. An application of the admittance parameters The model plus the conditions at the ports are sufficient
- 5. IMPEDANCE PARAMETERS The network contains NO independent sources
- 6. LEARNING EXAMPLE Find the Z parameters Write the loop equations
- 7. LEARNING EXAMPLE Use the Z parameters to find the current through the 4 Ohm resistor Output
- 8. HYBRID PARAMETERS The network contains NO independent sources These parameters are very common in modeling transistors
- 9. LEARNING EXAMPLE Find the hybrid parameters for the network
- 10. TRANSMISSION PARAMETERS The network contains NO independent sources ABCD parameters
- 11. LEARNING EXAMPLE Determine the transmission parameters
- 12. PARAMETER CONVERSIONS If all parameters exist, they can be related by conventional algebraic manipulations. As an
- 14. INTERCONNECTION OF TWO-PORTS Interconnections permit the description of complex systems in terms of simpler components or
- 15. Parallel Interconnection: Description Using Y Parameters
- 16. Series interconnection using Z parameters SERIES: Currents are the same. Voltage of interconnection is the sum
- 17. Cascade connection using transmission parameters Matrix multiplication does not commute. Order of the interconnection is important
- 18. LEARNING EXAMPLE Find the Y parameters for the network
- 19. LEARNING EXAMPLE Find the Z parameters of the network Use direct method, or given the Y
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