Adjectives: first and second declension

Слайд 2

Adjectives: first and second declension

-us (m), -a(f), um(n)
bonus, a, um good

Adjectives: first and second declension -us (m), -a(f), um(n) bonus, a, um
a, um bad
iustus, a, um just
magnus, a, um big, great
publicus, a, um public

-er(m), -a(f), -um(n)
integer, gra, grum
whole, integrat
niger, gra, grum
liber, ĕra, ĕrum

Слайд 3



Слайд 4



Слайд 5

How are the adjectives and the nouns agreed?

The gender, the number and

How are the adjectives and the nouns agreed? The gender, the number
the case should be the same!
The declension of nouns and adjectives may be different!
terra incognĭta collega clarus
ager publicus bellum longum
amīcus verus caelum serenum
populus Romanus causa altĕra

Слайд 6

Choose the right word!

arbiter, tri m arbiter, iustus, a, um just
lucrum, i

Choose the right word! arbiter, tri m arbiter, iustus, a, um just
n benefit magnus, a, um great
agricŏla, ae m farmer miser, ĕra, ĕrum poor
oculus, i m eye sinister, tra, trum left
familia, ae f family Romanus, a, um Roman
insula, ae f island magnus, a, um big
nauta, ae m sailor peritus, a, um experienced
humus, i f soil fructiger, ĕra, ĕrum fertile

Слайд 7

Praesens indicativi passivi (Present passive tense)

Praesens indicativi passivi (Present passive tense)

Слайд 9

Infinitivus praesentis passivi


I. accusā-re
II. delē-re
III. vinc-ĕre
IV. punī-re


I. accusā-ri

Infinitivus praesentis passivi Activum I. accusā-re II. delē-re III. vinc-ĕre IV. punī-re
III. vinc-i
IV. punī-ri

Слайд 10

Nemo debet bis punīri pro uno delīcto.

 No one can be twice

Nemo debet bis punīri pro uno delīcto. No one can be twice
punished for the same crime
Имя файла: Adjectives:-first-and-second-declension.pptx
Количество просмотров: 50
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