All About Me

Слайд 2

My Name Is:
Type your name here and paste in a picture if

My Name Is: Type your name here and paste in a picture if you would like.
you would like.

Слайд 3

My Address Is:
Type your address here.

My Address Is: Type your address here.

Слайд 4

My School Name Is:
Type your school name here.

My School Name Is: Type your school name here.

Слайд 5

My Teacher’s Name Is:
Type your teacher’s name here.

My Teacher’s Name Is: Type your teacher’s name here.

Слайд 6

My Family:

My Family:

Слайд 7

My Favorites:

My Favorites:

Слайд 8

My Favorites:

My Favorites:

Слайд 9

I would like to become a:
Type what occupation you would like to

I would like to become a: Type what occupation you would like to have.

Слайд 10

Three Words I Would Use to Describe Myself Are:
Type 3 words that

Three Words I Would Use to Describe Myself Are: Type 3 words
you would use to describe yourself.
Имя файла: All-About-Me.pptx
Количество просмотров: 52
Количество скачиваний: 0