Australia. Grammar: The verb “must”

Слайд 2

Grammar: The verb “must”

Translate the sentences into English(use the verb “must”:
Он должен

Grammar: The verb “must” Translate the sentences into English(use the verb “must”:
ходить в школу.
Мы должны делать уроки.
Джейн и Джон должны посетить Великобританию.
Я должен есть много овощей и фруктов.
Кейт должна посмотреть фильм.

Слайд 3

Reading: Australia

Read the text about Australia (p. 36-37, Ex. 5b)and answer the

Reading: Australia Read the text about Australia (p. 36-37, Ex. 5b)and answer
questions before the text:

Слайд 4

Answer the questions:

How big is Australia?
What is its flag like?
What is the

Answer the questions: How big is Australia? What is its flag like?
weather like in Australia?
What are the seasons there?
What is the nature like there?

Слайд 5


Write these words down in your dictionary (p.42,Ex. 6a)

*произношение можно послушать

Vocabulary: Write these words down in your dictionary (p.42,Ex. 6a) *произношение можно послушать на

Слайд 6


Read out loud (p. 41, Ex.5a):

Vocabulary: Read out loud (p. 41, Ex.5a):
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