Слайд 2CAN / CAN’T
ability (yetenek)
I can speak English .
I am Korean .

I can’t speak English.
Слайд 3Positive (olumlu)
You can play chess

Слайд 4Positive (olumlu)
He can swim.
She can dive.

Слайд 5Positive (olumlu)
He can ride a horse
She can ride a horse
Positive (olumlu)

Слайд 6Positive (olumlu)
Dolphin can swim.
It can swim.

Слайд 7Positive (olumlu)
We can cook.
We can ride a bike .

Слайд 8Positive (olumlu)
You can drive a car.
You can catch the ball.

Слайд 9Positive (olumlu)
They can play the violin.
They can run fast.

Слайд 10negative (olumsuz)
I can’t play the violin.

Слайд 11negative (olumsuz)
You can’t carry the box.

Слайд 12negative (olumsuz)
He can’t ride a horse.

Слайд 13negative (olumsuz)
She can’t cook .

Слайд 14negative (olumsuz)
Elephant can’t ride a bike..
It can’t ride a bike.

Слайд 15negative (olumsuz)
We can’t fly .

Слайд 16negative (olumsuz)
You can’t ride a bike .

Слайд 17negative (olumsuz)
They can’t skate.

Слайд 18question (soru) ?
Can I ski ?
Yes, You can.
No, You can’t.

Слайд 19question (soru) ?
Can you play the drum ?
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.

Слайд 20question (soru) ?
Can he play the guitar ?
Yes,he can.
No,he can’t.

Слайд 21question (soru) ?
Can she dance ?
Yes,she can.
No,she can’t

Слайд 22question (soru) ?
Can it fly ?
Yes, it can .
No, it can’t .

Слайд 23question (soru) ?
Can we ride a motobike ?
Yes,we can.
No,we can’t.

Слайд 24question (soru) ?
Can you read a book ?
Yes,we can.
No,we can’t.