Change in meaning

Слайд 2

Remember to let her into your heart then you can start to

Remember to let her into your heart then you can start to
make it better.
I remember holding you, feeling felt so right.

Слайд 3


You remember doing something AFTER you have done it.
e.g. I know I

REMEMBER You remember doing something AFTER you have done it. e.g. I
locked the
door. I clearly remember
locking it.

You remember to do something BEFORE you do it.
e.g. I remembered to lock the
door, but I forgot to shut the

Слайд 4


You forget doing something AFTER you have done it.
e.g. I‘ll never forget

FORGET You forget doing something AFTER you have done it. e.g. I‘ll
seeing Rio de Janeiro.

You forget to do something BEFORE you do it.
e.g. I forgot to phone your sister
when I was in Rio de Janeiro.

Слайд 5


You did something and now you regret doing it.
e.g. It began to

REGRET You did something and now you regret doing it. e.g. It
get cold and he
regretted not wearing his

regret to say/ to tell you/ to inform you = I’m sorry that I have to say
e.g. We regret to inform you that
we cannot offer you the job.

Слайд 6

I was walking home from school and stopped to play football.
I stopped

I was walking home from school and stopped to play football. I
playing football two years ago, when I broke my leg.

Слайд 7


You stop to do something so that you can do it.
e.g. An

STOP You stop to do something so that you can do it.
old man walking along
the road stopped to talk to

You stop doing something to end an action, to finish doing it.
e.g. There’s too much noise.
Can you stop talking, please?

Слайд 8

I’m trying to run this computer program.
I tried clicking on the box,

I’m trying to run this computer program. I tried clicking on the
but it doesn’t work.
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