Translation Quality Assessment SOP for RU

Слайд 2

TQI: Accuracy>Omission

Definition: Content is missing from the translation that is present in

TQI: Accuracy>Omission Definition: Content is missing from the translation that is present in the source. Example:
the source.

Слайд 3

TQI: Accuracy>Addition

Definition: The target text includes text not present in the source.

TQI: Accuracy>Addition Definition: The target text includes text not present in the source. Example:

Слайд 4

TQI: Accuracy>Mistranslation

Definition: The target content does not accurately represent the source content.

TQI: Accuracy>Mistranslation Definition: The target content does not accurately represent the source
a mistranslated word is the item itself, the severity should be “Critical”. If it is an attribute to the item, the severity should be “Major” or “Minor”.
Example: Pumps – Насосы, Flats – Квартиры are critical issues

Слайд 5

TQI: Accuracy>Untranslated

Definition: Content that should have been translated has been left untranslated.

TQI: Accuracy>Untranslated Definition: Content that should have been translated has been left
If a word is missing from the target, it should be categorized as “Omission”, not as “Untranslated”

Слайд 6

TQI: Fluency> Spelling

Definition: Issues related to spelling of words, including incorrect capitalization.

TQI: Fluency> Spelling Definition: Issues related to spelling of words, including incorrect
words in a segment are unreasonably capitalized, copy the unreasonably capitalized words to the Comments cell (all of them into the same cell) and follow the rule:
If most words are capitalized – the “Major” severity
If around half of the words are capitalized – the severity should be “Minor”

Слайд 7

TQI: Fluency> Typography

Definition: Issues related to the mechanical presentation of text. This

TQI: Fluency> Typography Definition: Issues related to the mechanical presentation of text.
category should be used for any typographical errors other than spelling, including spacing and punctuation.
Insignificant issues, like non-standard quotation marks, dashes (m-dash or n-dash) should not be taken as errors.

Слайд 8

TQI: Fluency> Grammar

Definition: Issues related to the grammar or syntax of the

TQI: Fluency> Grammar Definition: Issues related to the grammar or syntax of
text, other than spelling and orthography.

See next slide

Слайд 9

TQI: Fluency> Grammar

How to approach grammar issues in segments:

GRAMMAR: regarding the commonly

TQI: Fluency> Grammar How to approach grammar issues in segments: GRAMMAR: regarding
occurring entirely grammatically incorrect segments, the accepted order is as follows:
The segment should be split into meaningful phrases (keyword combinations – marked with different colors in the example)
Each phrase should be analyzed for grammatical errors
If there are errors in phrase, each phrase should be marked as an issue in a separate string
The general rule is:
Most words in the phrase make the issue – Major
Only single words in the phrase make the issue – they should be marked separately and Minor
If no phrases can be identified and the segment is not grammatically correct, the whole segment should be marked as “Grammar>critical”

Слайд 10

TQI: Fluency> Unintelligible

Definition: The exact nature of the error cannot be determined.

TQI: Fluency> Unintelligible Definition: The exact nature of the error cannot be
Indicates a major break down in fluency such as a language other than the source or the target language or some garbled characters.

Слайд 11

TQI: Segment > Source/Target

Definition: A segment that is so full or errors

TQI: Segment > Source/Target Definition: A segment that is so full or
that it's impossible to understand any of its meaning.
This category should be used as the last resort only (when it is impossible to understand the idea of the source/target segment even after fixing any fluency issues).
In case the segment cannot be understood because of mistranslated words/phrases that can be identified and fixed, the Accuracy>Mistranslation category should be used.
In case the segment cannot be understood because of poor grammar that can be identified and fixed, the Fluency>Grammar category should be used.

Слайд 12

TQI: Misuse of the Segment category




TQI: Misuse of the Segment category Example: Correct Wrong

Слайд 13

TQI: Proper use of the Segment category



TQI: Proper use of the Segment category Examples: Correct

Слайд 14

TQI: Other > Other

Definition: Any error not included in the previous types

TQI: Other > Other Definition: Any error not included in the previous types Example:

Слайд 15

TQI: Disambiguation

TQI: Disambiguation
Имя файла: Translation-Quality-Assessment-SOP-for-RU.pptx
Количество просмотров: 73
Количество скачиваний: 0