Department of anatomy. Занятие №12


Слайд 2

Genetic polymorphism

This is the presence of several alleles in the locus with

Genetic polymorphism This is the presence of several alleles in the locus
sufficient frequency for their fixation in the population

An allele is one of several sequences of a given gene

Слайд 3

Continuous variability: Pigmentation

Continuous variability: Pigmentation

Слайд 4

Continuous variability: Hair color

Continuous variability: Hair color

Слайд 5

Continuous variability: Hair color

Continuous variability: Hair color

Слайд 6

Continuous variability: Eyes color

Continuous variability: Eyes color

Слайд 7

Continuous variability: Hair texture

coarse straight



tight curly


(fine) straight

Continuous variability: Hair texture coarse straight wavy curly tight curly kinky (fine) straight

Слайд 8

Continuous variability: Body hair

Weak is the hair of some East-Asian Mongoloids where

Continuous variability: Body hair Weak is the hair of some East-Asian Mongoloids
beard growth is particularly sparse. In Africa, most of the northern savannah populations (Sudanids, Nilotids, Ethiopids) show very little hair, as well as Malagasy. In America, most groups have little hair, just like in South-East Asia and Polynesia. African forest populations as well as Pacifids and Huarpids of South America show stronger hair growth

weak body hair

strong body hair

Слайд 9

Continuous variability: Beard

Continuous variability: Beard

Слайд 10

Continuous variability: Face morphology

Thickness of the lips: from thin to thick

Landgraf et

Continuous variability: Face morphology Thickness of the lips: from thin to thick Landgraf et al., 2013
al., 2013

Слайд 11

Continuous variability: Nose

Ridge of the nose

Nose tip








Continuous variability: Nose Ridge of the nose Nose tip Flat Incurved Arched Waived Horizontal Elevated Adroped

Слайд 12

Continuous variability: Cephalic index





Hyperdolichocephaly was found in some early humans, but is

Continuous variability: Cephalic index 71,1-75,9 81-84,9 76-80,9 Hyperdolichocephaly was found in some
rare today on the population level. The largest area of hyperdolichocephalic dominance is found from Central Australia to North Australia



Слайд 13

Continuous variability: Progmatism

Prognathism describes a projection of the jaws. The shape of

Continuous variability: Progmatism Prognathism describes a projection of the jaws. The shape
the lower part of the nose is altered as well.

Orthognathy developed relatively early in the evolution of Homo sapiens and continuously increased in frequency, especially in colder regions.

Слайд 14

Continuous variability: Facial index

Hyperleptoprosops (> 95%)
Leptoprosops (90-94,9%)
Mesoprosops (85-89,9%)
Euryprosops (80-84,5%)
Hypereuryprosops (<79,9%)


It is measured

Continuous variability: Facial index Hyperleptoprosops (> 95%) Leptoprosops (90-94,9%) Mesoprosops (85-89,9%) Euryprosops
by the length of the face from the root of the nose to the bottom of the chin, expressed as a percentage of the greatest breadth across the cheek-bones.




Leptoprosops population

Слайд 15

Continuous variability: Facial prolofereation

Well proliferated face (high nose root, buried cheeks)

Poor proliferated

Continuous variability: Facial prolofereation Well proliferated face (high nose root, buried cheeks)
face (low nose root, prominent cheeks)

Слайд 16

Continuous variability: Osteological traits

In hypermacroskelic individuals the sitting height is greater than

Continuous variability: Osteological traits In hypermacroskelic individuals the sitting height is greater
55% of the overall height.

Слайд 17

Continuous variability: Body traits


In steatopygic individuals there is a marked accumulation of

Continuous variability: Body traits Steatopygia In steatopygic individuals there is a marked
fat over the buttocks, even when the fat layer of the rest of the body is only slight to moderate. It is found mainly in tropical regions, especially among Khoids.

Слайд 18

Today’s Homework

Today’s Homework

Слайд 19



Слайд 21



Слайд 23



Слайд 26



Слайд 29

Australian aborigine

Australian aborigine

Слайд 33

Australian aborigine

Australian aborigine

Слайд 35



Слайд 37



Слайд 38

Homo heidelbergensis

Homo heidelbergensis

Слайд 39



Слайд 41

Homo neanderthaliensis

Homo neanderthaliensis

Слайд 42

Arabic (UAE)

Arabic (UAE)

Слайд 43

Continuous variability:

Odontoglyphical traits

Odontoglyphics is the method of classification of the molar grooves

Continuous variability: Odontoglyphical traits Odontoglyphics is the method of classification of the
defined in an individually distinctive pattern like that of fingerprints.

Слайд 44

Continuous variability:

Dermatoglyphical traits

Dermatoglyphics is the study of the patterns of ridges of

Continuous variability: Dermatoglyphical traits Dermatoglyphics is the study of the patterns of
the skin of the fingers, palms, toes, and soles; of interest in anthropology and law enforcement as a means of establishing identity.

Слайд 45

Discontinuous variability:

Blood types

Discontinuous variability: Blood types

Слайд 46

Discontinuous variability:

Blood types

Karl Landsteiner

Rh blood group system

Discontinuous variability: Blood types Karl Landsteiner Rh blood group system

Слайд 47

Discontinuous variability:

Blood types

Rh blood group system

Discontinuous variability: Blood types Rh blood group system

Слайд 48

Discontinuous variability:

HLA system

The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system or complex is a

Discontinuous variability: HLA system The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system or complex
group of related proteins that are encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene complex in humans. These cell-surface proteins are responsible for the regulation of the immune system.

Слайд 49

Discontinuous variability:


Discontinuous variability: Hemoglobin

Слайд 50

Discontinuous variability:

Serum proteins and enzymes

Discontinuous variability: Serum proteins and enzymes

Слайд 51

Discontinuous variability:

Other types

Taste sensatitivity to phenylcarbamide (PTC)
Olfactive sensitivity
Chromatic vision
Cranial epigenetic signs

Discontinuous variability: Other types Taste sensatitivity to phenylcarbamide (PTC) Olfactive sensitivity Chromatic vision Cranial epigenetic signs

Слайд 52

Discontinuous variability:

Cranial epigenetic signs

Discontinuous variability: Cranial epigenetic signs

Слайд 53

Why are phenotypes important?

Differences in humans are not only driven by genetic

Why are phenotypes important? Differences in humans are not only driven by
divergence, but also by phenotypic divergence caused by adaptive pressure.

In evolution, a new species can be produced by either process, in most cases by a combination of both. and Winker, 2009

Слайд 54

Simplified human phylogenetic tree and Winker, 2009

Simplified human phylogenetic tree and Winker, 2009

Слайд 55




Central African

South African





Homework Australoid Melanesian Central African South African Indo-Mediterranean Atlanto-baltic Balcano-Cocasian Uralic
Имя файла: Department-of-anatomy.-Занятие-№12.pptx
Количество просмотров: 62
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