Design and programming


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Steve Thornton
Lead Game Designer

Ben Sharples
Lead Technical Designer

8+ years experience
10+ shipped

WHO IS WHOM Steve Thornton Lead Game Designer Ben Sharples Lead Technical
Previous roles
Game Director
Lead Level Designer
Assistant Lead Designer
Senior Designer
Games Designer
Cool and fun, nice hair

10+ years experience
10+ shipped games
Previous roles
Gameplay programmer
Script Team
Level Designer
Technical Designer
QA Technician
Old and cranky, nearly bald

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What is this talk about?

Design are the high level vision holder and

OVERVIEW What is this talk about? Design are the high level vision
content driver of the game
Programming make everything in the game actually work
A game starts with design and ends with programming

The friction between conceptual vision holders and technical implementers
Resolving common conflicts and dispelling myths
Finding ways to improve and encourage trust between the disciplines

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Observations are based on AAA game development



Observations are based on a “vision-led”

OVERVIEW Observations are based on AAA game development 1 Clarifications Observations are


We will eventually address hybrid roles


Problems identified are based on common trends


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Design Sins
(according to programming)

Programming Sins
(according to design)

Don’t understand how

THE SINS Design Sins (according to programming) Programming Sins (according to design)
things work
Don’t consider the cost of requests
Don’t provide clear instructions
Aren’t reliable, change their mind
No hard skills

Exaggerating the cost of requests
Letting personal agendas affect technical evaluations
Creatively unambitious
Don’t care about the game


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Design must properly communicate their vision to the team, but…


What can

Design must properly communicate their vision to the team, but… BAD SPEC
go wrong?
Not identifying all required assets
Not covering full feature flow
Not considering variables outside the intended flow

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Why wouldn’t a non-designer use “common sense” to solve a problem

COMMON SENSE Why wouldn’t a non-designer use “common sense” to solve a

Assumption is a risk
Everyone has their own frame of reference
Any detail not specified can be easily misinterpreted

Designers often make the mistake of assuming the game world will behave like the real world for “free”.

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Designers can become defensive
under questioning

Ideas can be very personal, making criticism

PLAYING DEFENCE Designers can become defensive under questioning Ideas can be very
feel personal
Changing your requests after giving them feels like poor leadership

How can a designer avoid
becoming defensive?

Learn to say “I didn’t think of that” and “I don’t know yet”
Remember that the team will appreciate a lead who can adapt

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Consider the programming perspective…

Programmers are detail orientated by necessity – in

DETAIL ORIENTATED Consider the programming perspective… Programmers are detail orientated by necessity
their world a single detail that is missing or wrong can break everything
Programming tasks are unpredictable
Programmers worry something cannot be done
When asked to estimate an intimidating task, programmers will play it safe to avoid looking bad

Programmers can help the discussion process by polishing their own soft skills.

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The truth? Anything is possible.

They have deemed the cost to be

“THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE” The truth? Anything is possible. They have deemed the cost
“obviously” ridiculous
It exceeds the current limitations of the chosen tech

What does a programmer mean by “impossible”?

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What should a designer do in the face of the

THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM What should a designer do in the face of

Don’t try and pitch the “how” to experts
Ask to actually hear the estimated cost
Make clear the core goals of your request
Find the key places where you can compromise
Give the programming team time to research
Make a prototype

Assure your experts that you won’t make a decision without them!

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Decision time

Help programmers inform your decisions

Sell the vision, the “why” with the

Decision time Help programmers inform your decisions Sell the vision, the “why”
Avoid pressure to come to a decision “in the room”
Give time to research and prototype

Why do engineers fear “bad” decisions?

They don’t want their time wasted
They don’t want to spend their skills on something they don’t agree with
They fear it will lead to stressful schedules or over-time

What can designers do to reduce this fear?

Be categorically opposed to over-time and crunch
You are a team leader, do not allow people to work too hard for your goals

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Why do designers change their mind?

All creative tasks require iteration

FEAR OF CHANGE Why do designers change their mind? All creative tasks
from higher in the hierarchy
Requests from other departments

How can designers limit the impact of changes

Be sensitive to morale when passing on feedback
Don’t judge the idea by the prototype assets
Future Proof your ideas against the most likely changes



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Hybrid Theory

The most common “hybrid” role is designers working in the editor

Hybrid Theory The most common “hybrid” role is designers working in the
designers only work on high level editor tasks, using tools exposed / created for them by programming


Designers can iterate manually
Design get to see the impact of their requests first-hand
Improvements to relationship due to hard skill demonstration
Technical can inspire the creative


Sometimes a little information can be worse than no information
Design do not always follow “best practice” when working in tech – No training
Creates tool requests from design in addition to feature / asset requests
New type of design support is needed – usually creates a tools team

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Hybrid Theory

It’s rare in AAA for programming to be directly involved in

Hybrid Theory It’s rare in AAA for programming to be directly involved
creative decisions, outside of suggesting alternatives and compromises to requests
Some studios have a technical expert role between design and programming


Acts as an ambassador between design and programming
Can assist in future proofing, such as suggesting key balancing variables


Being too close to the implementation cost to make objective decisions
Technical tasks are time consuming, and require too much personal focus
Risk of “bottle-necking” production

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“Making a game combines everything that’s hard about building a bridge with

FIN “Making a game combines everything that’s hard about building a bridge
everything that’s hard about composing an opera. Games are basically operas made out of bridges.”

- Frank Lantz

Director of the N.Y.U. Game Center and designer of the iPhone puzzle game, Drop7

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