Each vs. Every

Слайд 2

Prices go up each year.
Prices go up every year
Sometimes, EACH = EVERY

Prices go up each year. Prices go up every year Sometimes, EACH = EVERY

Слайд 3

She had clearly been in a fight. She had bruises on  leg

She had clearly been in a fight. She had bruises on leg
and cuts on  arm (NOT: on every leg / on every arm)
My parents have moved to the capital. of them works in a bank. (NOT: Every one of them works)




For 2 things, we use ‘each’, NOT ‘every’

Слайд 4

Practically/Nearly/Almost etc.
+ every
Practically every person in the room had dated Samantha at some

Practically/Nearly/Almost etc. + every Practically every person in the room had dated
time or another.
Nearly every chocolate had been eaten.

Слайд 5

each ~ individual; every ~ all
We gave each child who came to the party

each ~ individual; every ~ all We gave each child who came
a present. We handed them out one by one.
We gave every child who came to the party a present We gave them all a present.
I really love Pinter. I've seen every one of his plays at least once. I've seen them all.
You suggested I should read Pinter's plays. Well, I'm going to study each one carefully.
Every third-year student will be examined orally in June. They will each be given a fifteen minute interview.

Слайд 6

Every is used for repeated regular events:

  I get a health check-up

Every is used for repeated regular events: I get a health check-up
done every six months.
You ask me every single day when Joan will be returning and every single day I tell you that I do not know.
Имя файла: Each-vs.-Every.pptx
Количество просмотров: 52
Количество скачиваний: 0