Слайд 2The essay
Plan & organize
Collect evidence, information – read &interpret it carefully

an argument and a good title
Have sections with a clear aim
Write clearly
Present it nicely (proof-reading, structure, helpful illustration)
Respect academic forms of writing, include bibliography and citations
Слайд 3Sources
Where to look for sources?
Books from the reference list & others

Websites of the cities for data & strategic plans https://opendata.paris.fr/pages/home/
Articles both scientific & newspaper
Datasets, maps, etc.
Слайд 4Citation
Direct quotations
According to Rydin (2013) “growth-dependent planning argues that social and environmental

benefits can be negotiated with developers once profitable market-led development has been permitted” (p. 24).
Rydin suggests several alternatives for growth-dependent planning, including town center enhancement. (Rydin 2013).
Reference list
Rydin Y. (2013), The Future of Planning: Beyond Growth Dependence, University of Bristol Policy Press