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Слайд 3Helen Keller was born June 27, 1880 in the estate of Ivy
Helen Keller was born June 27, 1880 in the estate of Ivy

Green in the family of Captain Arthur Keller and Kate Adams Keller. In the first half year of life, she was a normal, healthy child until the age of 19 months it is not struck by an illness that doctors have identified as "acute stomach blockage of blood vessels and the brain." Apparently, it was a scarlet fever or meningitis. The illness did not last long, however, he deprived Helen hearing and vision. For seven years she came up with more than 60 different characters to communicate with his family.
In 1886, her mother Kate Keller, inspired by the example of successful teaching blind and deaf Laura Bridgman, went to Baltimore for a doctor specialized in deafblind issues. He introduced her to the famous scientist Alexander Graham Bell, who at the time was working with deaf children.
Слайд 5The world's first deaf-blind person to receive a bachelor's degree. The story
The world's first deaf-blind person to receive a bachelor's degree. The story

of Annie Sullivan - Teacher Keller - was able to break through the barrier created by the almost complete lack of knowledge of the language and how the girl blossomed as being learned to communicate with the world, it formed the basis of many well-known all over the world dramatic works, in particular - 'The Miracle Worker' plays and film.
Слайд 7During his life, Helen Adams Keller has achieved much. There was an
During his life, Helen Adams Keller has achieved much. There was an

active political and social activist. The US Capitol is a bronze monument to Helen Keller. The house where she spent her childhood, inscribed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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